Saturday Workout Fun + An Easy Healthy Dinner Swap

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy Saturday Friends,

With a baby at home, the weekends are even more precious because daddy is home to help out! It's fun to get to spend time together as a whole family and to have an extra set of hands to hold baby girl so I can do things like shower and go to the restroom. :)

This morning was the perfect Saturday morning! I got some work done for an upcoming project, squeezed in a workout, and showered, all while the tiny human was taking her morning nap. This is a huge success in my book!

For my workout, I tackled a quick total body TRX workout. I tried to keep the rest to a minimum so I kept my heart rate up while challenging the major muscle groups of the body. I was nice and sweaty by the end and I can already tell my triceps will be sore tomorrow.

I'm getting pretty good at squeezing in quick and effective workouts while Annabelle naps. Thank goodness for my TRX and treadmill! Operation body after baby healthy eating went pretty well this week. I tried to focus on increasing my lean protein and vegetable intake while decreasing my sugar consumption (dang chocolate cravings). On Thursday night, I made one of E's favorites, fajitas, but swapped my normal corn tortillas for romain lettuce. It was absolutely delicious and made the meat and avocado more of the focus of the meal versus the tortilla. It was an easy swap that I will definitely continue from now on.

I can't believe it, but Annabelle is 1 month old today!! Sometimes it feels like the time has flown by, and other times it feels like she has been a part of our family forever. She has been such a blessing in our lives, and I can't imagine that my heart could hold any more love for my perfect tiny human. I'll be back with a full 1 month Annabelle update next week including better pictures, but here is a quick comparison from when we brought her home from the hospital to now.

Isn't she cute!! She passed out in her swing this morning so it gave us the perfect opportunity to finish her room by putting up her newborn pictures above her dresser. My wonderful friend, Josie, took her newborn picture and did an amazing job. I'm so lucky to have such a talented and generous friend!

Little bit is calling so I have to run. I hope you all hae a wonderful rest of your Saturday!

What is your favorite healthy dinner swap?

In health,

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