The easiest most delicious breakfast or lunch ever!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hi Everyone,

How was your Monday/Weekend? Good I hope! Let's start this Tuesday off with a good laugh, shall way?

It gets me every time! So this weekend was once again full of football. It was Homecoming here in Nole Nation so there were lots of festivities going on. We had an amazing time tailgating with friends and watching the Noles stomp Duke.

It was extremely clouded, which really helped shield us from the sun and heat. It's crazy to think I was wearing a tank top and shorts on Saturday because it is freezing here today!

Sunday, was full of running, studying for my upcoming QiFORZE workshop, and errands. I am on the hunt for brown flats and boots. Unfortunately with NO luck. I can never find something when I am actually looking for it! At least my 4 mile run Sunday morning got the day started out right.

This weeks lunch is one of my new favorites. These little egg baskets are so easy to make, delicious, and bursting with protein! The beautiful orange veggie next to my egg baskets is butternut squash. I can't get enough of this stuff in fall. It's so creamy and satisfying.

First, preheat the oven to 425 and line a greased cupcake tin with ham. I used two small pieces of ham in each one, but you could use just one larger piece.

Bake the ham by itself for 6 minutes. Then crack one egg in each ham basket and sprinkle with a dash of GF Cajun seasoning and low-fat cheddar cheese.

Lower oven temperature to 350 degrees. Place ham and egg baskets back in oven and bake for 10 minutes or until eggs are set. You may want to go for a little less time if you like your eggs runny. Pair with your favorite veggie and enjoy! These are so easy, I literally made them this morning while I was getting ready for work.

I'm off to work. I hope you all have a Happy Tuesday!!


In health,

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