No Bake Cookies and The Magic Time Machine!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Monday!

How was everyone's weekend?? Mine was pretty laid back but really fun!

On Saturday, I taught a yoga class in the morning then watched some Aggie basketball and NFL playoffs in the afternoon. I also made some of Averie's, at Love Veggies and Yoga, Raw Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! They were absolutely amazing and only took about five minutes to make. You don't even have to turn the oven on for these babies!

1/2 cup whole oats (uncooked)
5-6 pitted majool dates
1/4 cup raisins
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp. natural peanut butter (This is optional. Averie's original recipe did not call for peanut butter, but I love peanut butter in everything!)

1. Place oats in food processor and pulse for a few seconds, then add in majool dates and pulse again.

After the dates are nice an chopped up, throw all of the remaining ingredients into the food processor.

Pulse until it forms a nice dough. It might take a few minutes so be patient. It should look something like this:

Dump dough out into a bowl, and then form little cookies. I ended up with with 11, but you can make them as big or small as you'd like. If you have any leftovers, place them in a sealed tupperware.

I have to warn you, these are super addicting. They kind of taste like a mixture of an oatmeal cookie and the most delicious granola bar you have ever had. They taste a little bit like a Larabar. They are great for snacks or dessert. I would highly highly recommend them, or any of Averie's other recipes for that matter!

After I finished licking my fingers from the cookies, Eric and I headed to dinner at The Magic Time Machine! This is a really fun restaurant that is decorated like scenes from various children's movies. I think Eric and I might have been the only people there without kids. :) Oh well, it was really fun!

We sat in the Nightmare Before Christmas section. I was really hoping to meet Cinderella, but it didn't happen. :( There were two little kids sitting at the table next to us, who had super long straws coming out of their drinks. Eric asked the waitress if he could have one of those straws (pointing to the kids). She said sure, and this is what happened.

Apparently, the "cool straws" Eric was talking about were really just a bunch of black straws stuck together. (You can see the little kid I was talking about in the background.) The waitress thought it would be funny to make our straws extra ridiculously long! They were so long, we had to drink out of a water pitcher placed across the walkway! It was pretty hilarious! Anytime someone walked by our table, they had to go underneath our straws.

After dinner, I needed to make a trip to the restroom before we headed home. I walked around for a little while, and then asked Pocahontas for directions to the restroom. She said she would be happy to show me where it was. She started to lead me to the restroom, then began yelling at the top of her lungs, "CODE YELLOW, CODE YELLOW, THIS GIRL HAS TO PEE, YOU BETTER COVER YOUR WATER GLASSES OR SHE WILL REFILL THEM FOR YOU!" I must have turned 5 different shades of red all at once. I was so shocked when she started yelling, it took me a while to start moving. Everyone around me started giggling, and I just tried to get to the restroom as quickly as possible. Eric couldn't stop laughing at me.

Qs and As:
Did you have a nice weekend?
What is your favorite type of cookie?
Have you ever been to a Magic Time Machine restaurant? If you go, don't ask where the bathroom is!

In health,

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