Dream Big

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


How are you this morning? I hope everyone had a Marvelous Monday and is ready for a Terrific Tuesday!

Yesterday was pretty low-key for me. My IT band was a little tight from my 8 mile run on Sunday, so I stretched it out with a nice yoga class at noon. In the afternoon, I taught a strength training class and loved every minute of it. It was so nice to get back in the groove of teaching! In between yoga and pump, I finished some work in the office.

When I got home from work, I put on my Betty Crocker Apron and made cupcakes for my boss' birthday. These fall under the Fabulous, not Fit, category! :)

For everyone who is following the 21 day challenge, how is it going? If you haven't tried out any of the videos yet, I would highly recommend this one. This 28 minute series focuses on opening up the hips and leaves your entire lower body feeling fabulous!

Lately, I have been day dreaming more and more about one day (probably in the very very distant future) opening my very own yoga studio. I would love to have a little place of my own to share my passion for fitness, yoga, and healthy eating with others. I want it to be a place where women can come not only to take classes, but to explore other aspects of health and wellness as well.

My dream yoga studio would include:
  • A temperature controlled yoga studio so I can offer hot and regular yoga classes.
  • A kitchen so we can hold healthy cooking seminars and make healthy snacks to share in the studio.
  • A separate studio for cardio and strength classes.
  • The ability to hold kids classes so we can share the benefits of exercise with our kids.
  • A location close to running and walking trails so we can go on group runs and hold training programs such as marathon or half marathon training.
  • Close to a park would be nice as well so we can do yoga outdoors when the weather is nice!
  • A relaxing and inviting lounge where participants can enjoy each others company before and after class.
  • A small pool so we can offer outdoor water aerobics classes in the summer.
  • I would love for it to be in one of those older restored houses. This idea is thanks to my friend Mal, who is going to help me make this dream come true!
  • Overall, I want the studio to be somewhere people will come to enjoy themselves and accomplish their health and fitness goals in a friendly and motivating environment.
I have always thought this would be a fun thing to do one day, but lately I just can't get it off my mind, so I wanted to share my dreams with you. I guess if I'm going to dream, I should dream big! :)

One day when I grow up, I will have my own yoga studio! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!

Q's and A's
What do you want to be/do when you grow up?
Do you have a dream business you would like to own?
Can you think of anything else my yoga studio needs? I'm open for any new ideas!

In health,

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