Black Monster + Surviving A Tough Workout!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Hump Day Y'all! :)

I hope you is having a fabulous morning! How was everyone's Tuesday? Mine was pretty uneventful, but fabulous non-the-less. I started out the morning with a run OUTSIDE, it was perfect running weather. I did 5 miles and didn't want to stop, but I had to get ready for work. After my run, I refueled with this yummy creation.  I call it a Black Monster. I know it looks a little iffy, but I promise it was delicious! The black color is due to the mixture of blueberries and spinach. The smoothie also contained 1/2 a frozen banana, a couple of ice cubes, and about 1/2 cup of light silk. I had some scrambled egg whites as well.....Yummmy!

I taught a yoga class at 11:30am, did a little work in the office, and then taught a cycle class at 5:15pm. I haven't taught a cycle class in a few months so it was fun to get back on the bike, but my butt doesn't like me too much right now. :) After cycle, I finished up the last of my Christmas Shopping - I think! How is your shopping going?

My run this morning felt amazing! It was one of those runs you live for as a runner. My legs felt light, I had plenty of energy, and the weather was perfect. Unfortunately, not all runs are this good. For example, on Monday I drug myself to the treadmill determined to do 5 miles and felt dead tired after 3! I pushed through until the end, but it was rough. Some days are just better than others, but with a little tweaking we can get the most out of every workout by following these simple tips from Runners World.

GET UP ANY HILL: As you approach an incline, shorten your stride while maintaining the same cadence. Small, quick steps will help reduce the effort. This really makes a big difference, especially during a race as it helps you conserve energy!

FINISH EVERY LONG RUN: Run two minutes per mile slower than your normal easy-run pace. Start with a ratio of three minutes running/one minute walking (or a slower jog). If necessary, drop down to a 1:1 ratio. The important thing, is to keep going so your body starts to build endurance.

BEAT FATIGUE: Low blood sugar can result in an overall feeling of fatigue. Consuming an energy bar and a caffeinated beverage 30 minutes prior to running may stoke your energy. If you're going longer, it's normal to experience some tiredness. Slow the pace and walk more. If I am running more than 6 miles I will eat a small granola bar or banana pre-run to fuel my workout. I usually only consume caffeine right before a run if it's a race, but a lot of people like the extra boost it provides. Make sure you test out how your body reacts to caffeine before you down a caffeinated shot blok mid race.

I hope you have a marvelous day!!

Food for thought:
Are you completely finished with your Christmas shopping?
What tricks do you use to get through a tough workout or run?

In health,

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