
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We Made It To Austin!

Howdy Friends!

Long time, no talk. These past few months have been crazy! Crazy in a great way, but crazy none the less. So much has happened, I don't even know where to begin, but I'll try to give you the gist of it as briefly as possible.

In early December, an amazing job opportunity came open for E at the University of Texas' Athletic Department. He went back and forth about whether or not he should leave school to pursue the job, but in the end, it was just too amazing of an opportunity to pass up. Although Texas has always been A&M's biggest rival, he decided to set aside the past rivalry and go for the dream job! I don't think he will be wearing burnt orange anytime soon, but we are definitely learning to support our fellow Texans. :)


E got offered the job on December 22nd, and started on January 28th. If you remember, we purchased a house in Florida since we thought we would be there for at least 4 years. I am learning to never trust E when it comes to how long he says we will be staying some where. ;) Since we had the house to deal with, and I wanted to wrap things up at my job, E went ahead and moved to Austin while I stayed behind in Tallahassee. It gave me an extra few weeks to wrap things up and say goodbye to some truly amazing people!

It was incredibly tough to say goodbye! There were definitely a few days that I woke up with puffy eyes from tears. E flew back to pick me up in Tally on February 21st. We packed up most of the house and the movers came the morning of the 22nd. Moving is tough  work!

The movers finished up around 2:00pm and my crazy husband thought it would be a great idea to try to drive all the way to Texas on the same day. We made it to about Louisiana when things got really interesting. Our alternator went out and a Pep Boys in Slidel saved the day. We lucked out and they were actually open at 7:30pm on a Friday night!

They fixed the alternator and we were on our merry way. We finally made it to College Station at around 3:00am. We woke up on Saturday morning and headed to Austin. Leave it to E to get us to a sporting event the day after we arrive. We soaked up the Texas sun at a UT baseball game on Sunday.

It felt absolutely amazing outside. It was the perfect way to welcome me back to Texas. We also explored our new neighborhood with a walk with this little man. We've so missed him while he's been at Grandma and Grandpa camp.

I am completely loving Austin. There is a Central Market and Whole Foods within 2 miles of my house along with more fitness studios and healthy restaurants then I know what to do with! Exploring has been a blast. I have so much fun stuff to share with you guys! I'm still working on figuring out the whole job situation, but hopefully that will come with time. :) I'm trying not to be my normal stressball self about it.....trying.

Check back in tomorrow for my first fitness review - Barre3. This studio is so cute, and I love the class. It is definitely a unique take on barre.

What is your favorite part about moving to a new city?

What makes you the most anxious?

In health,

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