
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spotlight on Barre3

Howdy Friends,

How is your Thursday treating you so far? Mine started off great with a barre class at Barre3 followed closely by a mat Pilates class at Todd Pilates (look for a Spotlight on Todd Pilates soon). But before I headed out the door, I had to drink my morning cup of joe!

E got me this cup when we went to Disney World, and I am pretty obsessed. For a girl who loves sports and loves pink almost as much, it's perfect! :)

So let's talk about Barre3. We've talked before about how much I love barre classes, and this studio is no exception. "Barre" classes are a fusion of Pilates and ballet barre training. They combine isometric exercises with fluid traditional Pilates exercises for one but kicking workout that will leave you feeling strong and graceful. I think of it like ballet boot camp. I remember the first time I ever took a barre class looking down at my thighs and expecting to actually see flames coming off of them they were so on fire! Call me sick, but I loved it.

So what's different about Barre3? It brings in the yoga and mind body element a lot more than other barre formats. Let's here what they have to say first!
Our unique 3-step sequence creates the strength of an athlete with the long, lean, graceful lines of a dancer.
  1. Isometric holds to align and strengthen combined with small range of motion to get deep into the muscles until failure.
  2. Low impact dynamic movement to energize and elevate the heart rate.
  3. Seamless recovery stretch to elongate and prepare the body.
Barre3 evolves the dancer’s workout by combining the grace of the ballet barre with the wisdom of yoga and the strength of Pilates. Barre3 classes are set to an upbeat soundtrack and follow a vigorous pace moving through a sequence of postures designed to shape and lift the entire body.


I really loved the focus on the mind body connection that runs throughout the entire class. You leave class feeling completely exhausted but rejuvenated at the exact same time. The focus on mind body awareness makes you really focus on class and not let outside distractions seep into your workout. This is great for me since I have a hard time turning my brain off and just relaxing. It's like an hour long mental break!

I also loved the upbeat music and dance feel to class. I literally found myself singing along and bobbing my head throughout the entire class. To get a feel for the class and blast your buns and thighs, try out this quick 10 minute video! I promise you'll fee the burn! :)

Overall, I would definitely recommend trying this studio if there is one in your area. If not, check out their online videos and DVD's.

Stay tuned..... In the next "Spotlight On" post I will be telling you about the most amazing mat Pilates class I have ever taken in my entire life at Todd Pilates! It was seriously life changing. :) Did I mention he also teaches a killer barre class. The music was out of this world! Ok, you'll have to wait to hear the rest.

What new workouts have you tried out lately?

Did you like them? Hate them?

In health,


  1. Barre classes intrigue me but I feel like I'd be falling over a lot! :)

  2. Oh, I bet you would love them! They are not near as bad as they seem. Don't get me wrong, you'll feel the burn, but there is no complicated choreography and you definitely don't need to be a ballerina.


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.