
Monday, February 4, 2013

View From The Top!

Howdy Friends,

How was your weekend? Mine was absolutely AMAZING! It was my birthday weekend, and I welcomed Friday in with this beautiful view after my 6am strength session.

Sometimes I just have to sit in awe of God's beautiful creations! What an breathtaking view!

Saturday was my birthday, and I spent the morning with my wonderful staff practicing for our fitness competition that is coming up in two weeks. The girls are working so hard, and I know they are going to kick butt at the competition!

Saturday night, I went to dinner with some friends and was surprised by my favorite person in the entire world! E!!!!!

E flew all the way back to Tallahassee from Texas for my birthday. I have missed him so much over the past few weeks, so of course I was beyond excited to see him!! I know it hasn't been very long, but when you are used to having your best friend around every single day, it really really sucks when they're not there! :) We celebrated my birthday with great friends and yummy food. It was absolutely perfect!

E and I got to spend all day Sunday together before he had to head back to Texas. It was heart breaking seeing him go, but I know I'll see him again in just three weeks. I can't wait!

My wonderful in-laws got me the Lululemon top for my birthday that I have been drooling over for weeks. I literally ripped the package open before I even got it through the door! Thank you Momma and Poppa George!

I also had to get the normal Sunday things like grocery shopping and laundry done. There was a sale on yogurt at the store, so I went a little crazy!

I use the Voskos yogurt in my smoothies, the Chobani bites are for dessert, Light & Fit goes in my lunch, and the the big Chobani is for back up. :) So....... I may have a problem!

Today was absolutely beautiful here in Tallahassee. It was cool but sunny, and absolutely PERFECT for running stadiums! I don't think there is another workout out there that makes me feel as powerful as stadiums!

Bring it on Bobby!

The view from the top!

It felt great to be out side and pushing my legs and lungs to the limit! I'm so blessed to be able to workout here.

Do you love stadiums as much as I do? Have you ever done them before?

In health,

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