
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wise Words Wednesday #2

Howdy Everyone!

How was your Tuesday? Mine was a little meh. I can count one one hand the amount of times I have gone home sick from work, and yesterday was one of them. I was driving to work and all the sudden I felt a headache coming on. This headache quickly turned into a migraine and I was toast by about 1pm. I have only had a few migraines since giving up gluten, and I don't miss them one bit! After lots of sleep in a dark room, all is right in the world this morning!

It's hump day, so I thought we could all use a few extra wise words of motivation today to carry us through the week! :)





Marilyn was a wise women! I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. I'm off to work to get caught up on what I missed yesterday afternoon.

Have a great day!

In health,

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