
Monday, October 24, 2011

Dallas 13.1 Recap

Happy Monday All!

How was your weekend? Fabulous, I hope! Mine was definitley rockin'! I started the weekend off right with the Dallas 13.1 Half Marathon. This was the first time this race has been held in Dallas, and I had a blast. We started right in the middle of downtown and ran through some of the prettiest neighborhoods in Dallas. My awesome friend Kristen and I met up at the starting line and got pumped up and ready to run.

The race started in the heart of downtown Dallas, and wound through some of the prettiest neighborhoods and shopping districts in north Dallas. We also got to run a good bit of the race on the Katy Trail which is always fun!

Race start with views of the Dallas skyline!

I'm back there in the pack somewhere I promise! :)

Since my training for this race was less than stellar (I missed a lot of my shorter training runs due to my crazy schedule), I wasn't expecting to PR in this race. My goal was to keep it under two hours, and I would be a happy camper! :) Kristen and I started out strong and spent the first few miles taking in the scenery and chatting it up. We started out at around an 8:30 mile and held between and 8:30 and 8:50 mile for most of the race.

At around mile 10 my ipod died (apparently I left it on after I took it off the charger the night before) and I had to finish the last 3 miles sans my super insperational play list. :( Luckily the last 3 miles were lined with people cheering on the runners and a couple of bands. Overall, I finished the race in 1:52:56 and feeling very strong. I was pretty happy with that time and had a great time running the race with such a great friend!

Great job Kristen! You rocked it!

The post race party was hopping and I must say we got some of the coolest medals I have ever seen! The 13.1 in the middle spins!

The t-shirts for this race were pretty neat as well. They were dry fit material and an awesome color!

This race was definitely a fun one, and I can't wait to do it again next year. If you are thinking about doing a race in Dallas and want one that is a little bit smaller with a great route, this is the one for you! :)

I hope you al have a wonderful Monday!

What did you do this weekend?

Did anyone else race this weekend? How did it go?

In health,

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