
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Drink Up!

Howdy All,

How is your week going so far? Mine is plugging along nicely. With the big race this weekend, I have cut my workouts back to pretty much just my teaching schedule and walks with the pup. Champ and I enjoyed the beautiful fall weather today with a nice 45 minute walk. :) I love wearing long sleeves and sweaters!

As fitness lovers, we all know how impotant hydration is. My friend Kelli always tells me I drink water like my life depends on it, and most of the time I do. However, ever since we came home from Colorado I have felt extremely dehydrated. I keep pounding the water but apparently its not enough. :( I even have a cute new water bottle that Eric bought me in Colorado.

With my race only 3 days away (this one is on Saturday instead of Sunday), I really have to get serious about my hydration. I get dehydration headaches really easily so running a 1/2 marathon dehydrated sounds like a recipe for disaster.

When I went to the store today to buy chilli ingredients (it's below 80 degrees here so that means its chilli time) I picked up a Powerade Zero to aid in the hydration process. These things are so stinkin delicious!

Drinking water is going to be on the top of my to-do list for the next few days. I'm going to try to do a better job of keeping track of how much I am actually drinking. I have a bad habit of getting busty at work and forgetting to drink enough. I'm also going to try to increase my intake of water rich foods such as strawberries, tomatoes, beans and yogurt. To read about more water dense foods check out this article from Runners World.

Alrighty folks I'm going to head out so I can concentrate on the end of the Rangers game!! GO RANGERS! :)

How do you stay hydrated?

In health,

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