
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Old Faithfuls and New Favorites

Hello Everyone,

First and foremost, I have to send a big Happy Birthday out to the LOVE OF MY LIFE ERIC GEORGE! You are seriously the most amazing man I know, and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.The day I became your wife was seriosuly the happy day of my life! Happy Birthday Love!

Thank you to everyone for all of your kind words regarding my race! :) How was your Monday? The highlight of my day was definitely teaching Piloxing, my new favorite class. I had a packed house and everyone was busting with energy! It was a group exercise instructors dream class - full of whoops and smiles all around!

I don't know about you, but I am a creature of habit. I have had oatmeal with blueberries every day for breakfast for about the past 4 months, and have either had a salad or a morningstar black bean burger for lunch everyday for the past 3 months. I'm not complaining, I love these meals (obviously or I wouldn't eat them every day), but this week I felt like rotating back in some of my old favorites.

For breakfast this morning, I had eggs wrapped in a high fiber tortilla with a small grapefruit covered in stevia. It was delicious and all of that protein kept me full for hours. :)

For lunch, I decided to go with my old favorite - a hummus and veggie wrap. I used another high fiber whole wheat tortilla, some soy beans, Greek style hummus, mushrooms, avocado, and lettuce to create this veggie packed beauty.

It was delicious! I remember why I ate these for so long. :) Can you guess what I am going to have for breakfast and lunch tomorrow? Yep, you guessed it, the exact same thing. Now you understand why I don't post about my food everyday like some health blogs. You would be bored to tears.

Now on to a little bit more exciting meal - dinner. So I did mix things up a little bit for dinner. Eric wanted to grill sausage for dinner, but I wanted something a little bit healthier. While I was driving home I tried to come up with something I could throw on the grill that we already had at home. Please allow me to introduce you to my veggie trash + Morningstar crumbles grilled fabulousness. I took 1/3 cup Morningstar crumbles, a handful of mushrooms, and a large handful of brocolli slaw and threw them all together in some foil. I topped the concotion with some fajita seasoning and garlic and voila the perfect filling for...... a whole wheat tortilla (so not much variety in the starch department). I apologize for the poor picture quality. the lighting in my kitchen was not working for me.

It was delicious, and was seriously ready in less than 20 minutes. So that about wraps (pun intended) up my meals for yesterday! Corny I know! I'm off to watch the rest of the Rangers game. Gooooo Rangers! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

What are some of your go to meals that you eat all the time and still love?

In health,

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