
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Running Around!


How are you this wonderful Thursday! This is going to be a pretty brief post because I'm running around getting ready for the company we are having this weekend! I'm having my old boss from A&M and some of my dear girlfriends over for dinner tonight and there is still quite a bit of cleaning and cooking that needs to be done. Be on the lookout for a delicious Clean Eating pasta dish recipe soon!

I'm not going to have time to get in a long run this weekend since I am going to Dallas Mania which is a huge fitness convention!! More on this later! My training plan called for a 7 mile run, so I decided to squeeze it in on Wednesday morning. I woke up super early and ran over to White Rock Lake. How beautiful is that?

It was pretty hot, but overall the run went really well!

I held a little under a 9:30 per mile pace. I even beat Garmina!

On Monday, I shared this homemade granola bar recipe with you. I've eaten at least one a day since Monday and gave a couple away to friends. With three days full of workouts ahead of me, I thought it would be a good idea to stock up on some more bars. This time, I swapped the 1/4 cup whole wheat flour for another 1/4 cup peanut flour to up the protein factor and swapped the almond butter for peanut butter. If you are a fan of peanut butter then this recipe is for you!

Alrighty folks, I am off to finish packing these little babies away and finish cleaning the house. I will report back on how the dinner party goes as well as give a full recap of Dallas Mania this weekend! So much fun to come!

Q's and A's:
Where is your favorite place to run?
What is your pre-workout snack of choice?

In health,

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