
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pasta swap to end all pasta swaps

Hello There!!

How's your Wednesday going so far? How are you going to get your sweat on today? Yesterday, I taught a super fun kickboxing class and then climbed some mega hills in cycle!! It's was a big sweaty party! My patella tendon was acting up on Monday, so I decided to take a day off from running.

I have to share a secret with you. I have a new love.....

Kim's Magic Pop with cinnamon. They are light and fluffy with a rice cake like consistency. There is just a little hint of cinnamon that adds an extra special touch. They taste great with a little bit of cream cheese or almond butter, but their delicious by themselves for a low calorie night time snack.

Check out those nutrition facts. Only 20 calories, 0g of fat, and 4g of carbohydrates. They won't win any awards in the vitamin or fiber department but sometimes you just need a little something sweet to hold you over and these are perfect!

Dinner last night was somewhat of an experiment. I was watching the hungry girl cooking tv show on Sunday morning and she was making a pasta dish using broccoli slaw. I already love adding veggies to my pasta so I thought I would give it a try! Broccoli slaw is pretty much just shredded brocolli, carrots, and cabbage. There's no sauce on it when you buy it fresh. I grabbed some at the store on Sunday.

If you want to talk about rock star nutrition facts it's pretty hard to top these!! There is only 100 calories in this entire bag, 0g of fat, 5g of carbs, 3g of fiber, 2g of protein, plus 110% of your vitamin C, and 35% of your vitamin A! Pretty dang impressive!

I poured the entire bag in a skillet and added 1/4 a cup of water. Simply stir until the veggies become soft; about 8 minutes.

It cooked down a little bit but there was still a ton. I only ate half the bag and saved the rest for later. Top with a little marinara sauce and you have one delicious veggie and vitamin packed meal! It didn't taste exactly like regular pasta, but it will cure even your strongest pasta craving.

I made a side salad to go with my "pasta;" however, after I did that, I realized if it is possible to OD on veggies I definitely accomplished that!

Sorry for the yucky looking picture, my camera doesn't take great pictures when there is no natural light! If anyone ever says you can't get full on veggies, feed them this meal and they will sing a different tune.

If you try it, let me know! I'm off now. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Q's and A's:
Have you ever subbed broccoli slaw for noodles in pasta?

In health,

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