
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Incredible Edible Egg


How are you today? Did you have a nice Monday?

My Monday morning began at 5:45am with a personal training client. Three classes, a lot of office time, and one grad class later, and I am back at home hiding under my blanket. It is down right cold here in Dallas. I don't know what is up with 45 degree weather in May. Oh Summer, where are you? for Dallas
While I enjoy the warmth of my favorite fuzzy blanket, I am also enjoying one of these bad boys.

I LOVE sparkling water! Peach is probably my favorite flavor, but Blueberry Pomegranate is definitely a close second. They are so refreshing and delicious!

I have been trying very hard to up my protein intake lately which can be difficult when most of your meals are eaten out of a lunch box or a coffee mug (that's my oatmeal). One item that is packed with protein and very easy to take with you on the go is boiled eggs. Yes, I eat the yolks from time to time.

Eggs are seriously nutritional rockstars! They are full of good for you vitamins and protein while still low in carbs, sugar, and calories. Did I mention they were delicious? Check out these nutrition facts (these are for 1 large egg).

There is a lot of controversy surrounding egg yolks and whether you should just eat the whites instead of the whole egg. I used to only eat the whites until I came across this article. If you are an egg lover like me, you have to read it!

Are whole eggs or egg whites better for you?

Check it out and let me hear your thoughts? I have another early morning tomorrow so I'm off.

Q's and A's:
How do you get protein on the go?
Do you eat the whole egg or just the whites?

In health,

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