
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yoga For Runners and Healthy Fast Food Choices

Happy Hump Day!!

How's your day going? It's Wednesday, and I am lucky enough to have the day off (minus the work I did from home this morning). Still, avoiding a 45 minute commute is never a bad thing! I started my morning off by teaching a yoga class (that doesn't count as work) and then came back home to do a little work on the computer. I was hoping to wait until the sun came out to go for my run. Little slivers of sunshine started to peak through my blinds at around 11am, so I decided to head out. It was still a little cloudy but when I looked in the mirror post run, I definitely had a few new freckles staring back at me. :) Don't worry, I put on sunscreen.


I told you a few weeks ago that I was reading the book The Eat-Clean Diet, and so far I really like it. It is very practical and focuses on eating clean, whole, non-processed foods, avoiding sugar, and eating a combination of protein and carbohydrates at each meal. It also gives you lots of tips on how to stay on track in social situations and when your stranded without your pre-packed cooler of healthy clean foods (I 100% believe in taking your food with you as much as possible to avoid eating out and scary vending machines). Although I try my hardest to always pack my lunch (in my cute hot pink lunchbox) and have healthy snacks on me at all times, sometimes you find yourself starving and without your trusty Larabar to get you through. What are you to do? Panic? Cry? Starve? Have no fear, Tosca shows us the healthiest options at some of the most popular fast food restaurants.


The Best Fast-Food Choices:
  • McDonald's- Asian Salad with Grilled Chicken (without almonds or orange glaze)
  • Burger King- Tendergrill Chicken Garden Salad (without croutons, dressing or cheese)
  • Wendy's- Mandarin Chicken Salad (without roasted almonds, noodles or dressing)
  • Subway- 6" Oven-Roasted Chicken Breast with Vegetables (without suace)
  • Taco Bell- Chicken Ranchero Taco, Fresco Style (without cheese or avocado dressing)
  • Hardee's- Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich (without BBQ sauce)
  • Sonic- Grilled Chicken Sandwich (without honey mustard sauce)
  • Chick-Fil-A- Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad (without croutons or dressing)
  • Jack-In-The-Box- Asian Grilled Chicken Salad (without dressing)
Next time you are faced with the decision to eat fast food or starve (that's a little dramatic), you will know which meals won't derail your healthy eating plan!

Most of you know that I am a huge fan of yoga, especially for runners. Runners are very prone to tight muscles and over use injuries, and yoga can go a long way in preventing these issues. Check out this video from FitSugar on the yoga poses every runner should try!

For more information on yoga for runners, check out this post. If you'd like to watch another video about yoga for runners, click here.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! If you haven't already, there is still time to enter my Healthy Steps Giveaway!!

Q's and A's:
What's your go to healthy fast food option?
Have you read Tosca's book?
Do you cross train be doing yoga?

In health,

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