
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Calling All Reader Questions!


How are you doing today? I hope your week is starting off nicely!

Since I had yesterday off, I spent the day catching up on work, taking care of a few errands, running and relaxing. It was quite nice! I also made some more Chia Power Balls! I have cut my energy bar intake in half by making these little guys every week. They make a great snack and are so easy to take with you on the go.

Unfortunately, Eric had to work late, so I was on my own for dinner. You know what that means - Jason's Deli! Eric claims Jason's Deli never fill him up, so anytime I'm on my own for dinner I hit up my favorite salad bar for much needed veggie deliciousness!

I am pretty picky when it comes to my salad, so I love being able to choose exactly what I want in/on it. This one included: hearts of romaine, spinach, mushrooms, green peas, raisins, walnuts, a little scoop of couscous, a scoop of some sort of lemony pasta, and some sort of bean blend (chickpeas, red beans, edamame, and other things I could not identify). Somehow Jason's Deli's boiled eggs always taste better than mine! I only ate the egg white, but it was delicious!

The best part of Jason's Deli is the free non-fat frozen yogurt!!

You know you want a taste! Trust me, it was delicious! :)


I have been receiving a lot of reader questions lately, and I LOVE it! A lot of times, I feel like I just ramble on about this, that and the other, so it's great to know what y'all want to hear about. I would love to do a reader request every week, so I am calling all questions and topic requests. It doesn't matter what it is. I am open to anything. You can ask questions about my personal health and fitness routine. How often do you workout? When do your workout? What do you eat for lunch every day? How do you train for your races? Etc. etc. Or questions about specific topics. Will aspartame really give me cancer? How much constitutes a grain serving? What is tabatta training?

You can send me your questions by leaving a comment, shooting me an e-mail at, or posting it to my facebook page. I can't wait to read your questions!

Have you entered my Healthy Steps Giveaway yet? If not, you still have time. The giveaway is open until midnight on Thursday, so go check it out!

Q's and A's:
Where is your favorite place to get a salad?
Do you have any questions you would like to send my way?

In health,

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