
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Try This Thursday #15

Happy Thursday!

How are you this glorious morning? I hope you are having a good day so far!! I started my day off with an easy 3 mile run in absolutely perfect weather. When I headed out for my run, the sun was starting to climb in the sky and it was a wonderful 51 degrees.


Towards the end of my run, I found myself very dissapointed it was over and really wanting to continue running. I have come to realize I am awful at tapering before a race. My training plan called for a 3 mile run on Tuesday, a 5 miler on Wednesday and then a 3 miler on Thursday. I taught strength training and did 30 minutes on the elliptical on Monday, ran 4 miles and taught yoga on Tuesday, ran 5 miles and taught strength training on Wednesday, and then I did manage to stick to my plan today and only run 3 miles. As you can see, I didn't exactly follow my training plan to a "T." The fact that I'm not going to run again until Sunday makes me a little sad. Is that crazy? hahah Not in the oh my gosh I have to work out all day every day kind of way. Running is such an amazing stress reliever and gives me time to just relax and think, so I find myself missing my "special time" when I cut back on my mileage. Does anyone else feel like this? I promise I am going to be good from now until Sunday! Rest and the foam roller here I come! :)

I LOVE Greek yogurt. It is delicious, versatile, full of protein, and easy to take with you on the go (if you haul around a big pink lunch box like I do). I usually always buy the plain kind and add my own extras to try and keep the sugar in check. My favorite mix ins are peanut butter (duh), raisins, granola, plain oatmeal, and stevia. Until now, I haven't found a plain Greek yogurt that I like to eat all by itself with a little bit of stevia. Usually, they are still a little too tart for my taste without mix ins.

When I went to Kroger the other day, Brown Cow Greek Yogurt was on sale for $1. I decided to give it a try, and I absolutely loved it! It was so creamy and when mixed with a little stevia it was like eating a mini dessert.

The best thing about this little guy is his nutrition facts!

Only 80 calories, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of sugar, and 15 grams of prtein. Wow!! This yogurt is a great snack that will help you sneek more protein in to your diet without extra fat. I must say I was very impressed. I have to tell you that many of the flavored versions had a lot more sugar, so be sure to scope out the nutrition facts if you are buying any of those.

I'm off to work! I hope you all have a terrific Thursday!!

Q's and A's:
Do you ever find it difficult to taper before a race?
What is your favorite type/brand of Greek yogurt?
Do you prefer your yogurt plain or flavored?

In health,

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