
Monday, March 28, 2011

Dallas Rock N Roll Race Recap

Happy Monday Everyone!!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! We had a sports filled weekend to say the least. On Saturday, Eric played in two softball games, and I practiced my cheerleading skills. The sun was shining, and it was the perfect weather to spend time outside. The sun felt great, but it definitely left its mark on my pasty skin. I resembled a lobster by the time we left the fields!

After softball, it was time to carbo load for the race on Sunday! We headed over to our favorite Italian restaurant in Las Colinas. I took full advantage of the opportunity to order a giant slice of veggie pizza. I tried to make it at least a semi healthy meal by ordering a side salad to go along with it.

We ate out on the patio and had a great time! While we were eating dinner, the temperature started to drop pretty quickly. It was about 47 degrees outside on Sunday morning. Only in Texas can you get sunburned one day and need to wear two jackets the next day! E and I woke up early on Sunday to drive to the race. I had my normal pre-race breakfast of a banana and a blueberry crisp Cliff bar. It does the trick every time. I had my outfit all picked out right down to my matching headband. (Please forgive my pink hue, sleepy eyes and shiny forehead!)

The race actually started in downtown. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were there to see us off, and Troy Aikman wished us all good luck before we started. It was a very lively start too.

It was still pretty chilly when the race started, so I left my running jacket on. Luckily, I have a very nice husband who met me at mile two to take my jacket once I got warmed up. The race itself was really fun. The course was great. It weaved all through downtown, uptown and some of the really beautiful neighborhoods just north of downtown. I had a great time picking out my dream house while I ran. :)

When I started the race, my legs felt great. I started out at a really strong pace, but I was worried it might have been a little too strong. I was about a minute ahead of my goal pace of 8:45 min/mile when I saw Eric at mile two. By mile 8, I was about 5 minutes ahead of my goal pace, and I was just waiting for my legs to come out from underneath me. I was thinking to myself, "surely I can't keep up this pace." Then I saw mile marker number 9, and I thought, "Hell yeah, I can keep this up for 4 more miles. I run 4 miles all the time, no big deal!" I swear I ran the last 4 miles with the biggest grin on my face and came across the finish line in 1:47:43! That's about an 8:11 min/mile. I pressed stop on my watch and couldn't believe my eyes! Eric informed me this morning that I beat Troy Aikman by 28 seconds. My life is complete!

As soon as I stopped running, I couldn't wait to find Eric and more importantly my jacket. Luckily, my mother-in-law was tracking me on the computer (oh modern technology) and informed Eric that I finished, so he found me pretty quickly.  The race was a blast, and I can't wait until next year. Congratulations to all of the other runners! You ROCK!

After the race, Eric took me out for our traditional celebratory visit to IHOP for Harvest Nut N Grain Pancakes and coffee. MMMMMM MMMMM Good! After a power nap, Eric was off to play in a flag football tournament in which he scored two touchdowns one of which was the game winner! Go E!

Overall, we had a fun filled weekend! I hope everyone has an amazing day!

Q's and A's:
What did you do this weekend?
Have you ever done a Rock N Roll marathon or 1/2 marathon?

In health,

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