
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lessons Learned This Time Around The Block


How are you today? I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I apologize for my absence yesterday; it was one of those marathon types of days. I had a personal training client at 6:15am, came home and went for a quick run, finished a little homework, headed to work, taught yoga, went to a meeting, attended class (oh how I miss spring break all ready), and then finally got home at 9:30pm. My brain was pretty much mush at that point, so I didn't think blogging would be such a great idea. hahaha It might have sounded like gibberish.

This weekend is the Dallas Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon, and I am so excited!!! I have done a Rock N Roll 1/2 in the past, and it was a party for all 13.1 miles. I also have quite a few friends running the race, which will make it even more fun!

While I was sitting in class on Monday (paying very close attention of course), I started thinking about how much I have enjoyed training for this race and everything I have learned. I feel like each race teaches me new things about running, my body, and my will power.

Here's what I learned this time around the block:
  1. If you are doing a good bit of your training on a treadmill due to weather, make sure you set your incline to 1% to simulate wind resistance and add in some hill intervals or else the elements will kick your butt when you head back outside.
  2. Podcasts make excellent running companions, especially for long runs!
  3. Don't tune out from your body. My shins started to hurt about three weeks into training, and I realized it was time to switch out my shoes. When your body is in pain, it is usually trying to tell you something so be sure to listen!
  4. Reward yourself! Everytime I train hard for a race and stick to my training program, I reward myself with a new running top. It just so happens that my last three turned out to be pink. :)
  5. Is anyone else terrified? [source]
  6. Sometimes, what you think are cute baby beavers sunbathing at the park by your house are really yucky, scary NUTRIA (aka giant rats)!!!  Gross!
  7. Running tights and tank top tanlines should be celebrated like battle scars, not hidden! Flaunt those babies!
  8. Occassionally, 11 mile runs need to turn into 8 mile runs, and 7 mile runs into 5, and that's ok. This goes back to listening to your body. Sometimes you are just not feeling it, and forcing yourself through shin splints, an upset stomach, or overlly sore muscles will make your training miserable. As long as you get in the majority of your scheduled mileage, you will do great come race day.
  9. Cross training is still, and will forever be, very important. I know my running has improved immensly since I started sticking to a regular strength training and yoga schedule. I feel stronger and more balanced overall which contributes to faster running times and an injury free race season!
I'm off to pack my lunch and head to work. I hope you all have an amazing Wednesday!

Q's and A's:
Does anyone else have a race coming up?
What have you learned from your training?

In health,

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