
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I have found the perfect gym bag!


How are you this evening? Can you tell the snow has totally thrown me off my schedule? Usually, I pre-write my posts the night before, and I'm just now getting Tuesday's post up at almost 7pm. I promise I will get it together soon!

Today's workout included teaching 2 yoga classes (holy chaturanga my triceps are tired) and running 4 miles. I did my run today on an 1/8 of a mile indoor track. That equals a whopping 32 laps - talk about getting dizzy! It was a nice change from the treadmill though!

When I got home today, there was a beautiful little brown package waiting for me with this guy in it! This was my birthday present from my in-laws and I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about it. Well I guess I can because I am about to tell you all about it. :)

First of all, I love the black and green exterior and the striped interior. It also has short and long straps which is a must in my book.

Second, it has a built in dirty clothes pouch. This is amazing since I almost always go straight from working out or teaching to work or school. Now everything else in my bag won't smell like sweaty clothes all the time. Ewww! :)

Third, it has tons of organizational pockets for things like your cell phone, makeup, wallet, and all of those other things that seem to disappear into the depths of your gym bag. Do you see that little silver circle in the middle? That is a ponytail ring! Now is that smart or what?

Fourth, it has a clear pocket inside for all of those other little do-dads you don't want to lose in your bag like workout cd's, your ipod, and granola bars (these are a must)! It also has a super wide opening which is great when I need to dive my entire upper body into the bag to find something. Have I mentioned I pretty much live out of my gym bag?

Any guesses on what that is? If you guessed a secret heat safe pouch for your straightener or curling iron you are right! I know, isn't that amazing! Now I don't have to sit there and wait for my Chi to cool or stick it into my bag still hot and hope my things aren't singed. They really thought of everything. But wait, there's more!

Last but not least, this bag has straps for your yoga/pilates mat! They really did think of everything! So now you probably think I'm slightly crazy for being this excited about a gym bag, but I don't really care! This bag is too cool for school and I LOVE it! Thanks to my wonderful in-laws for shipping me the ultimate gym bag!

Alrighty, I'm off to cook some dinner and make raw oatmeal raisin cookies! My mouth is watering already. I hope you all have a great night, and I will see you in the morning!

Q's and A's:
What is your favorite thing about your gym bag?
Do you live out of your gym bag as well?
What did you do for your workout today?  I always love hearing about what other people do for exercise. It always inspires me to try new things!

In health,

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