
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

I think the weather in Dallas officially has a split personality. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny outside, and today I wake up to this yet again!

I know it doesn't look to bad, but we got a ton of sleet and rain that froze on the roads. Luckily, I was saved from a 45 minute icy commute when school and work were both closed down this morning. Looks like I'm in for another day of fun at home. I'm ok with that! ;)

Today's workout called for a 7 mile run and speed work. I think the speed work was supposed to be included in those 7 miles, but I forgot to do them so I just added 4, 200 meter sprints on to the end of my run. Overall the run felt pretty good but my right hip flexor started acting up again about mile 5. Ever since the White Rock Marathon in December, my right hip flexor has been ridiculously tight. I have dedicated a ton of extra time to stretching it and made sure to take days off after long runs etc., but nothing seems to be helping. I'm starting to think so much time on the treadmill might be messing with my stride, but I'm not sure. Any thoughts from my fellow runners out there?

Although I should be taking advantage of this extra time to catch up on homework, that is so hard when I have so much good snow day reading at my fingertips!

I'm hoping that I can find the answer to my hip flexor problem in the Athlete's Guide To Yoga. I purchased this book online a few days ago and I am so excited to dive into it. I love showing people how incredibly amazing and beneficial yoga can be when add to your fitness routine. I am hoping that this book increases my knowledge on how to help athlete's use yoga to improve performance. We are all athletes after all! I am living proof that yoga can dramatically improve your running performance. I pr'd  in my last race, and I know my increased dedication to yoga had a lot to do with it.

One of my wonderful friends & reader, Jennifer, asked me to do a post on fish oils so I am off to start doing my research for that post, which I hope to have up on Friday (oh and I'll try to do some homework as well)! I absolutely love getting topic requests from readers! If you ever have any questions or topics you would like to read about, please feel free to let me know by leaving a comment, posting it on the FF&F facebook page (which if you haven't "liked" yet you should), or shooting me an e-mail at I want this blog to be a place where we can all learn more about health and fitness, so it's great to know what you want to read about!

Thank you again to FitBlogger for choosing Fun, Fit and Fabulous to be the featured blog of the day!

If you are stuck inside like me, check out these neat reads:

12 Tips for exercising on the cheap

USDA says eggs now lower in cholesterol This is great news for me since I eat eggs almost every day!

150 Years of fad diets and still no quick fix

New excuse for eating carbs

Q's and A's:
Do you ever have issues with chronically tight hip flexors?
What books are on your must read list right now?

In health,

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