
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Try This Thursday - Lemon + No Equipment Necessary


How are you today? Good, I hope! School and work opened back up today! I love my Tuesday/Thursday yoga class, so I am super excited the gym will be open today. I used the eucalyptus & spearmint aromatherapy spray in class on Tuesday, and I think they really liked it. I only had one person that didn't like the smell, and I made sure I didn't spray any near her. It was a very light scent so she was ok with it. I think it just adds a little something extra to class.

Side Note: Right now (it's Wednesday night), I am sitting on the coach writing tomorrow's post while Eric is sitting in his recliner with his head in his hands because the Aggies are down by 1 to Colorado with 44 seconds left in the game. There is a whole lot of huffing, rapid texting, and swearing under his breath coming from across the room. I am worried he is about to have a heart attack. We are going to need to start checking his blood pressure soon if the Aggies don't start winning! :) Crap we just went into overtime, he is so going to have a heart attack!

This first thing I want to share with you today isn't exactly new, but I just rekindled my love for it. I love water, but I loved flavored water even more. Since I don't want to inhale tons of artificial sweetners every day in the form of Crystal Light, these little packets are the perfect solution. Each packet has 100% of your DV of vitamin C, zero calories and spices up your water in no time. They are so easy to carry with you to school, work or while your running errands.

I had to borrow this picture because my box is a little torn. [source]
Since I was cooped up in the house all last week, I had to get creative with my workouts. I found these no equipment necessary moves on and loved them! Next time you are not feeling like hitting the gym, try these out in the comfort of your own home. Really, you can do these anywhere: home, gym, hotel room on vacation, you name it!

This exercise works your abs, obliques, glutes, and legs. If this exercise will give me legs like hers, I will do it all day every day! :) Start in wide stance with toes pointing out. Keeping butt tucked in, bend knees until thighs are parallel to floor and press palms together. Lift right heel and rotate torso right (as shown). Lower heel; return torso to center. Repeat on left side for 1 rep. Do 8 reps

Works shoulders, arms, chest and back. I felt like a scorpion when I was doing this one, but I liked it! To start, lie facedown, hands under shoulders, elbows in. Push chest an inch off floor, then, in one fluid motion, bend left knee and rotate hips to stretch left foot across body to right side (as shown). Slowly release and return to start. Repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Do 4 reps.

This one is the total package. It works your arms, back, legs and abs! Lie faceup, legs extended straight up. Clasp hands together, arms pointing to ceiling, and engage abs to lift shoulders off floor. Lower right leg as low as possible without arching back or touching floor. Let arms follow and reach between legs (as shown). Return to start, keeping shoulders lifted. Repeat with left leg for 1 rep. Do 4 reps

Can you tell I have pretty bad exercise ADD? I love adding new moves to my workout routine every week. When I do the same routine for more than 3 weeks, I feel like I stop getting results. That could be because I get bored and start avoiding the weight room. Oooops! But anyways, I know that switching things up constantly works best for my body and my mind! I hope you like these new moves and have an absolutely wonderful Thursday!

Maryanne over at The Balanced Bean is doing a peanut flour giveaway! You should chck it out.

Thank goodness the Aggies just won! My husband will live to see another day! :)

Q's and A's:
Do you prefer plain or flavored water?
How often do you switch up your strength routine.

In health,

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