
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just a wishing, and hoping, and playing!

Howdy Friends,

Happy Happy Thursday! This morning started out bright and early at 4:00 AM (my tiny human wanted to make sure I didn't miss my training run). I got up, fed Annabelle, and headed out on my run with the intention of climbing back in bed once I finished. However, after I got out of the shower, I was too awake and hungry to fall back asleep so I decided to do a little work instead (please Lord let her sleep later so I can nap!). It's really amazing what you can crank out at 5:30 AM in the morning when no one else is awake and only infomercials are on tv. :) Although there was nothing on TV, I did check a few of my favorite blogs, and came across this great list on Nutrition Nut On The Run. Minus Annabelle's monthly updates, I don't do many non health and fitness related posts, so I thought this might be fun.

Here it goes!

Making | my favorite oatmeal with egg whites, almond butter, cinnamon, and slice bananas

Cooking | anything and everything with pumpkin and yummy GF banana bread

Drinking | coffee! I stick to half-caff, but 4 AM feedings make you crave coffee.

Reading | Gina Harney’s “Build Up Your Blog”

Wanting | a facelift for the blog

Looking | forward to celebrating the holiday’s with Annabelle for the first time!

Playing | Florida Georgia Line’s new album.

Wasting | time worrying. It’s just the natural worry wart in me.

Wishing | I could see the leaves changing for Fall in Colorado

Enjoying | spending time every day with my sweet tiny human

Waiting | for the weekends when E is off and we all three get to hang out together

Liking | expirementing with workout videos for the blog like my Spartan Arms & Abs video.

Wondering | what Belle will be like at 1, 5, 10, 16, and 18. Yikes!

Loving | tiny baby giggles and gummy smiles.

Hoping | my training for the half marathon in December keeps going well

Marveling | at how quickly babies grow up. Slow down!

Needing | to check a few things off my to-do list I’ve been procrastinating on

Smelling | pumpkin spice candles

Wearing | spandex, spandex, and more spandex. Living in workout clothes is a definite bonus of the job.

Following | my fellow healthy living bloggers

Noticing | more core strength returning with each and every Pilates and Barre workout.

Knowing | life’s an adventure I can’t plan (well I’m trying to tell myself that until I stop fighting the urge to plan out everything).

Thinking | about the future (hence the previous note about trying to relax my overzealous planning gene)

Feeling | thankful and oh so blessed

Bookmarking | parenting advice on Pinterest

Opening | a new chapter of life as a mom and fitness professional

Giggling | because Annabelle makes the funniest faces!

That's about a wrap on what's happening over here! I hear Belle starting to stir and it's about time to head to the studio.
What are you hoping?


  1. OMG you had me at a 4am wake up call. You are hard core!! Hats off to you.

  2. This was fun, I learned a lot about you! And your sweet girl is adorable!


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