
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fun Rydes, Eats, and WOD!

Howdy Friends,

How are you this wonderful hump day? How about a little Hump Day Motivation to get us started out on the right foot?

I started out my day by teaching a cycle class at an amazing new studio in Austin called Pure Ryde. It is a purely cycling studio featuring Real Ryder bikes.

If you've never been on a Real Ryder bike, you are in for a pleasant surprise. These are no ordinary spin bikes! They move from side to side just like you are on a real bike outside. This allows you to engage your entire body during the workout and torch mega calories. I leave every class completely dripping in sweat and loving every bit of it!

The studio its self is absolutely gorgeous. It's somewhere you want to go and just hang out with friends. You can even do a little shopping if you'd like!

I feel extremely blessed to be teaching at such a fun and unique place. If you live in the Austin area, I would love for you to come join me for a class. You can look at the studio's schedule here.

After class, I ran a few errands and then headed home for lunch. Last week I tried out a new recipe and absolutely loved it! I loved it so much, I had to make it again today! Oh Coconut Cilantro Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad you have stolen my heart. I made an extra large batch this week to carry me through the weekend.

I had a little bit of avocado left over from last night's dinner, so I added that into today's lunch. The avocado paired perfectly with the flavors of the dish!

Now that we have covered lunch, how about something to do this afternoon? You don't need a fancy gym or a ton of time to get in a killer workout! This is one of my favorite quick at home workouts. If you still need to get in your sweat session today, give it a try!

I'm off to do a little bit of housework before I teach again! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday!

Have you ever tried a Real Ryder bike? What did you think?

In health,

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