
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Final Relaxation


I hope you're day in unfolding nicely! I have to admit, I have a slight addiction to the humor section on Pinterest. I just can't get enough of the sarcastic E-cards, funny pictures of babies, and cute animals. It just puts me in a good mood every time. I came across this one yesterday, and it cracked me up because it describes me to a T!

Every time I make it to the end of a yoga class and begin "final relaxation," my mind starts racing! I know I should be "quiting my mind," but my mind just takes that saying as a cue to go bonkers. I first start making a to do list, then I begin worrying about ridiculous things like leaving the coffee pot plugged in, and finally I start freaking out that I am going to forget the imaginary to do list I just made since I can't right it down at that very moment. I know...... I'm suppose to be relaxing. What makes this even worse is that I teach yoga. I fully believe in the stress relieving mind/body power of yoga, and I really do get a lot out of it, those last 5 minutes just get me every time. I guess they call it a "practice" for a reason. I definitely need to keep practicing!


Today started out with a little workout, and then I headed over and picked up my little sis for lunch. We tried out a Korean restaurant called Koriente.

It was absolutely delicious, fresh, and extremely gluten-free friendly. It is usually really hard to eat at any Asian food establishment since most of the dishes have soy sauce in them. Koriente had an entire gluten-free menu, and even had gluten-free salad dressing which is extremely hard to find at Asian restaurants. The salad was an amazing mix of greens and full of veggies.

I ordered the Obake Bowl with wheat free sauce and tofu. Oh my goodness was it good! The veggies were cooked to perfection and the tofu was full of flavor with just the right amount of spiciness. Check out all of those colors (you can't see the carrots and button mushrooms in this picture, but they were there in full force).

My little sis had a spicy chicken bowl. It looked pretty good as well! She said it was amazing!

I will most definitely be visiting this place again! We went at around 11:30am and got right in, but when we left at 12:30pm there was a line out the door. Note to self, go early during the week.

Source: Fitness Magazine Online
Did you know it is National Nutrition Month? Check out this great article by Fitness about the "10 Foods Fit Women Need." How many of these foods are already on your regular shopping list?
Can you relax during final relaxation? Any helpful tricks?
In health,

1 comment:

  1. I loved the 10 foods fit women eat!


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