
Monday, January 7, 2013

The Perfect Fit

Howdy Friends!

How was your weekend? Mine definitely started off on the right foot with the Aggies beating OU in the Cotton Bowl on Friday night.


We watched the game with two other couple friends, two of which went to OU. We all cheered louder in our heads then we did out loud and everyone was still friends at the end of the night. In honor of the big game, I dug out this little beauty from the archives. This is from E's freshman year in college and my senior year in high school. Oh, the good 'ol days!

Most of the rest of the weekend was spent working. School starts tomorrow at the University, so we had a lot of training at the Rec Center this weekend to get ready. Any leftover time was of course spent watching the NFL playoffs.

Today, I wanted to talk about one of my Christmas presents that I am absolutely obsessed with. My new New Balance Minimus tennis shoes.

I know I am way behind the curve when it comes to the minimalistic shoe, but I have to admit I am a true believer now. I have extremely flat feet and wear the most heavy duty motion controlled running shoes available so wearing a shoe designed to make you feel like you are barefoot made me nervous to say the least. The New Balance Minimus shoes are in between the traditional Vibram Five Finger shoes and tennis shoes. There is a little bit of support and a rubber sole to protect your feet from the terrain. The number one thing I love about them, minus the fact that they are pink, is how comfortable they are. I don't run in them, but I do teach aerobics and strength train in them, and I have no complaints so far.

According to The Running Advisor, the benefits of wearing minimalistic shoes include:
  • An improved gait by allowing your foot to move more naturally.
  • Increased strength in the ligaments, tendons, and muscles of the feet.
  • Improved sensory awareness in the foot.
As a pilates and yoga instructor, I know how important it is to strengthen the body from the feet up, so I love that these shoes allow by feet to actually move as they were meant to move.

Have to tried any of the minimalist shoes?

Do you run in them or just wear them for other physical activity?

Happy Monday!

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