
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthy Eating at Home and Out

Howdy Friends!

How was your Wednesday? It was back to work for me. It's always hard to get back in the swing of things after a long break. I started off the morning with a nice easy 3 mile run around the lake.

I definitely wasn't speedy Gonzalez, but it was a nice way to stretch my legs. The run was followed by a yummy breakfast of 1 egg + 3 egg whites, and a grapefruit. Oh yeah, and I washed it down with a little coffee of course. ;)

A great run and a clean breakfast was a great way to start the 2nd day of 2013! I am so excited for all of the fun adventures 2013 has in store for me. I usually write out all of my goals for the upcoming year, but I like Gina's idea over at the Fitnessista better! She did an inspiration board on Pinterest for 2013. She's a genius I tell you! I love love love Pinterest, so I was all about it. :)

Thanks Gina for the great idea! You all should definitely hop over to Gina's blog and check out her board!

After a few hours of desk work, I was itching to move again. I hit up the weight room for about 45 minutes and then headed to my favorite machine. It's a love-hate relationship really. My butt loves it but my sweat glands hate it.

After 30 minutes, I was dripping sweat and had happily toasted 300+ calories. Not too bad if you ask me!

I have had so much fun with one of my Christmas presents over the past few days. My wonderful brother and sister-in-law gave me this awesome diffuser for Christmas. It's so neat! You put the fruit or herbs in the middle cylinder and the water flows through it without any of the seeds escaping. This one has mint leaves at the bottom, then cucumber, followed by lemons. It has definitely helped me increase my water intake.

It makes you water so tasty. I'm pretty obsessed with it! Thanks Greg and Mere!

One more little tid-bit I want to share with you today friends. I was reading through my Health magazine today while I was climbing the StairMaster, and I came across a blurb about a new app called YumPower. It helps you find healthy dining options wherever you are.


First, you tell YumPower what you are looking for: calorie wise, diabetes friendly, fiber focus, etc.

Then, YumPower will give you a list of restaurants in your area that can meet your needs. I was really impressed by how many restaurants they had in their database!

After you pick your restaurant, the app will give you a list of the healthiest menu options at that specific establishment! Talk about making the decision easy for you!

Finally, after you have picked your favorite dish, you can actually see all of the nutritional information for your meal. This is so neat!

I don't know about you, but this is definitely my new favorite app, and best friend for dining out! Did I mention it's 100% free? What are you waiting for? Go download it NOW! :)

I'm off to go watch more football with E.

What are your favorite health or fitness related apps?

In health,


  1. Oooh...I want one of those water thingy' in Trinidad the limes have a million seeds in them! Thanks SO much for the cool app...just downloaded it!

    xoxo from Trinidad

  2. I'm so glad you like the water diffuser! That water does look really good!


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.