
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Easy Dinner Eats!

Howdy Friends,

How was your weekend? Fabulous I hope! I spent most of my weekend at work. Friday night, E and I went to happy hour at a colleagues house. It was a great way to unwind after a crazy first week back to school. Saturday was spent spinning my wheels literally. I attended an 8 hour Spinning Orientation workshop.

It was a fantastic workshop, and I really enjoyed the presenter, Terri. My booty and legs were definitely sore the next day. Sunday was full of more training for our student supervisors. I gave a talk on charismatic leadership that I hope went over pretty well. It was a fun but exhausting weekend.

I squeezed in going to the grocery store Sunday morning, and filled up my basket with healthy quick meals. The first one up on my list was a Crockpot Cajun Roast I found on Pinterest. This recipe was originally developed by Stacy Makes Cents. I decided to go with a pork roast instead of beef and added fresh green beans to up the veggie power. It was super easy and delicious!

Step one is to rub your roast with all of the delicious spices and surround it with your tomatoes, onions, and green bell peppers.

Next, top your roast with one can (drained and rinsed to remove excess salt) yellow corn, fresh green beans, and half a cup of water. Cover and cook on low for 8-10  hours.

When you get home you will have a complete and delicious meal ready and waiting for you! This was the perfect meal to come home to after a long day of training.

Monday was another busy day that kept me at the office from 9:00am to 8:15pm. I knew it was going to be a late night, so I prepped this baby in the morning before I headed out the door.

This is another one of E's favorites. Simply chop up 3-4 new potatoes, 1 link of turkey sausage, and throw it together with green beans, 1 tbsp of Cajun seasoning, 1 tbsp of olive oil, and a little salt and pepper. I did all the prep work in the morning, so all E had to do was throw it in the oven at 375 for 30 minutes and voila. Easy peasy!

I also made a new discovery at the grocery store that I am pretty excited about - Food for Life Brown Rice Tortillas! I had these at a restaurant in Austin when I was visiting my sister, and I was so excited when I saw them at my local grocery store on Sunday. Since going gluten free, I have only eaten corn tortillas, but I missed a good egg burrito, peanut butter and banana wrap, and turkey wrap which just don't taste as good in a corn tortilla. That's why finding these just made my day. They are delicious and huge. These things are made for making some serious wraps!

If you are allergic to gluten or just trying to cut back on your wheat intake, I would highly suggest these. They are definitely better warm! Let me know if you try them.

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

In health,

1 comment:

  1. Wow---that looks so yummy! And right up my alley (easy!).
    I did the spinning training several years ago, and I had tons of fun with it too. Spinning is just fun!


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