
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chicken Taco Chili and Banana Soft Serve - Yes Please!

Hi Friends!!

How was your hump day? Mine was pretty delicious. After a long day at work full of two classes and 3 hours of training students, I was hungry hungry hungry when I got home. Luckily, like I told you guys yesterday, I had thrown dinner in the crockpot before I left for work. When I came home, I was welcomed by the aroma of delicious chicken taco chili.

I was scrolling through Pinterest while sitting next to E on the couch the other day, when he looked over my shoulder and shouted, "ooohh I want that." Well, E gets what E wants! :) He has a good eye because the recipe turned out delicious. The directions were under the picture on Pinterest, but when I clicked on it to follow the link it lead me to an error page. I wish I could give credit to it's creator for this yummy recipe, but I don't know who it belongs to originally. Whoever you are, I am extremely grateful for your talents!

Chicken Taco Chili

by Lauren George
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 8 hours
Keywords: slow-cooker entree gluten-free

Ingredients (8 servings)
  • 1 can black beans (drained and rinsed with water)
  • 1 can kidney beans (drained and rinsed with water)
  • 1 can of yellow corn (drained and rinsed with water)
  • 8oz diced tomatoes
  • 28 oz crushed tomatoes
  • 1 packet mild taco seasoning
  • 1 tbsp Mexican chili powder
  • 3 boneless chicken breasts
Place frozen chicken breasts at the bottom of the crock pot.
Open and rinse black beans, kidney beans, and corn to remove excess sodium.
Pour beans, corn, tomato sauce, and crushed tomatoes on top of chicken.
Add taco seasoning and chili powder.
Stir until well mixed.
Cook for 6 hours on high or 8 hours on low.
Serve with cheese and chips or by itself.
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After dinner, my sweet tooth was yelling at me. I tried to ignore it, but sometimes that just doesn't work. E suggested ice cream. Considering all we had in the fridge was E's Sugar Cookie Blue Bell ice cream, I knew I would need to do a little homemade magic. Enter vanilla banana soft serve!

Banana Soft Serve

by Lauren George
Prep Time: 5
Keywords: blender dessert gluten-free

Ingredients (1 serving)
  • 1 frozen banana cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 1/3 cup light soy milk
  • 1/8 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 stevia packet
  • 1/8 tsp xantham gum
  • handful of ice cubes
Throw all ingredients in the blender and pulse until smooth and creamy.
Add additional ice cubes if it is not thick enough.
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I love this stuff. It takes about 5 minutes to whip up, and tastes like extremely creamy ice cream. Plus, no added sugar!! After I was finished making my soft serve, E and I sat down to watch the Aggie basketball team take on Arkansas. Please notice the difference between our dessert choices.

This pretty much sums up our eating habits in a nut shell. He has a HUMUNGO bowl of fatty, sugary, unhealthy ice cream while I eat a healthy, no sugar added, all natural banana soft serve. Do you know who probably gained weight from our little dessert escapade?? Yep, me!! The boy is a human garbage disposal and never suffers the consequences. Oh to be tall and skinny. Hahaha :) Good thing I love him.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

Have you ever made homemade ice cream? What is your favorite recipe?

In health,


  1. Simple and delicious recipe. Great post!

  2. That banana ice cream looks SO GOOD! I think I may make that for my treat tonight :)


I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment below.