
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Back In Blogging Action!

Hi there long lost friends,

How are you? I've been away from the blogging scene for almost a month, and let me say I have missed you guys! When we first got to Florida, we were busy moving in, finding our way around the big city, and getting settled into our new jobs. Here's a little recap of the craziness!

I started work two days after we moved in and headed off to the first annual QiFORZE Master Trainer Summit a week later. It was a whirl wind, but a complete blast!

After returning from the Summit, I was in full gear getting ready for the semester to start. I am the group exercise coordinator at Florida State's student recreation center, so there was a ton to get done before the students came back in late August. I am so excited to be back in the campus recreation setting and absolutely love my student instructors. They inspire me each and every day!

We have settled into our sweet little neighborhood. I can't get enough of the beautiful Spanish moss and love taking Champ for walks around the lake.

We have officially adopted Florida State as our home away from home football team. The games are so much fun, but it is definitely different from Aggieland.

We have made some amazing friends already, and I have started teaching again. I went almost a whole month without teaching aerobics, and I thought I was going to lose my mind! That is the longest I've gone since I started teaching 6 years ago.

E is incredibly busy with his Ph.D studies, but I know he is enjoying it deep down inside (as much as you can enjoy statistics I guess). He is now studying the logistics behind financing sport stadiums, the reasons why players choke, and the repercussions of NCAA sanctions on teams like SMU instead of preparing large corporation's tax returns. :) That's a pretty vast improvement if you ask me.

We feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to go on this adventure together, and I am excited to be able to share it with you all. Don't worry, it won't be all football and Spanish moss. I have tons of new gluten free recipes to share with you, some exciting new workouts, and much much more up my sleeve. Thanks for hanging in their with me as we got settled in.

First up on the recipe list is my new favorite zucchini hummus. By adding zucchini to your hummus, you cut the fat and calories in half while increasing your daily veggie intake. I'll have the recipe up for you tomorrow!

What have you been up to this past month?

Has anyone else had any big life changes happen to them?

In health,

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