
Monday, August 27, 2012

QiFORZE Preview + A Killer Circuit

Howdy Friends!

How was your weekend and Monday? Mine was pretty dang good. E and I went to the beach on Saturday to take advantage of the beautiful weather before Hurricane Isaac took over! Luckily, it looks like we are going to miss the worst of it! Sending lots of prayers out to those still in the path of the hurricane.

A few weeks ago, I told you all about my trip to Atlanta for the QiFORZE Master Trainer Summit. It was truly an amazing experience, and I can't wait to start sharing this format with other instructors. I am rarely this excited about a new format, especially a new strength training format! It's like nothing else out there! Check out this video to see some of the choreography and what the Master Trainers had to say about their experience. This was all of our first times to experience the class. My interview starts at about minute 5:30 if you want a good laugh! :)

Pretty cool huh? If you teach group exercise and want to know how to bring QiFORZE to your club, shoot me an email at! I can also help you find a QiFORZE class near you! 

Ok, on to the workout of the day! I am still loving doing super intense workouts since I am short on time but still want to challenge my muscles. Here is what last Thursday's circuit looked like!

Exercises Explained:

Squat Turn Jumps On BOSU - Place your right foot on the BOSU and your left foot on the ground. Lower yourself down into a squat and then push off both feet into the air and turn 180 degrees to land with the other foot on the BOSU.

Dynamax Throw Down - Hold Dynamax ball in both hands. Start with ball overhead and throw it down as hard as you can. Grab it on the bounce, and do it again! This one is great for stress relief!

Lat Pull Downs With Tubing - Hold tubing above your head with hands about a foot apart. Pull the tubing apart straightening both arms out to the side and bringing tubing towards chest.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

How have you gotten your sweat on lately?

In health,

Lauren George

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