
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I want to have my spaghetti and eat it too!


It's Thursday! Woohooo! This has been quite a long week (probably because I'm counting down to our visit to the sunshine state)! :) I love Thursday's though because that means it's time for Dance Cardio Party!

I've said this before, but I am a habitual planner. I make backup plans for my backup plans and even if I have no idea where I'm going to be in the next year, I still need to have potential plans. I know that some planning is good, but I really need to work on letting MY plans go and letting HIS plans take over. After all, his plans are the best plans! I was reminded of this yet again today when I came across this on Pinterest.

So I don't know about you, but I LOVE spaghetti. I know, carbs, carbs, carbs and more carbs, but I just can't help it. Nothing makes me happier than a big heaping plate of spaghetti. So how do I have my spaghetti and eat it too, or in other words not let it wreck my healthy eating for the day? I pile it with veggies of course. I realized a while back that it wasn't really the noodles that I loved but the sauce. So now, when I eat spaghetti I always pile veggies on top. I serve myself about half as much spaghetti and fill the rest of my plate with veggies (mostly zucchini). I saute the zucchini with a little bit of garlic and Italian seasoning and they are delicious!

Once the zucchini is topped with pasta sauce, it is just as satisfying as a plate over flowing with starchy pasta. It never hurts to add in even more veggies with a yummy side salad.

Research has also proven that people eat less if they eat off a plate that is a different color than their food because their brain recognizes how much they are eating more so than if the food blends into the plate (for example, eating spaghetti of a red plate). I like to eat off a plain white plate so my food looks yummy and vibrant! :) So next time it's spaghetti night at your house, swap half of your noodles for zucchini, choose a tomato sauce that is low in sugar and sodium, make a healthy side salad, and eat off a neutral color plate.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

What is your favorite traditionally not so healthy meal, and how do you make it healthier?

In health,

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