
Monday, June 11, 2012

Big News for the George Family!

Happy Monday Everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was absolutely fantastic. It started off Friday afternoon with a little homemade strawberry ice cream!

It was really somewhere in between a smoothie and ice cream, but on a hot summer afternoon, it was absolutely perfect and SO easy!

Strawberry Ice Cream
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 5-7 frozen strawberries (mine were huge so I only used 5)
  • hand full of ice
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/2 tsp xantham gum
Blend until smooth. So easy right? The secret ingredient is the xantham gum. It makes the smoothie thick and ice cream like! Next time you're craving ice cream, I totally suggest you try making your own. You can find xantham gum at any health food store, and I have even found it at Kroger.

When E got home, we headed out to dinner. I have been craving pizza for about 2 weeks, and there is a restaurant near by that has delicious gluten-free thin crust, so that is where we headed.

It was amazing, I'm not going to lie. It hit the spot, and I was one happy and full camper after dinner! :)

On Saturday, I had brunch with my amazing friend Kelli who is going to be a mama soon! Then I did something so not like me........ I got crafty. Yep that's right, I attempted to make something with my own two hands. Now, you only see my typing, but if you saw my hand writing you would know why this is a scary thing. Luckily, with Kelli's expert coaching (and the fact that I only had to cut, glue, and place stickers), I successfully completed my mission.

E and I go to A LOT, I MEAN A LOT,  of sporting events, and he likes to keep all of his tickets as souvenirs. They were beginning to take over his desk, so when I saw a box like this on Pinterest, I knew I had to attempt to make one for him. I was pretty excited with how it turned out. Please do not be fooled, this is only one of the many piles of tickets he has lying around, but it's a start! :)
Sunday, of course, was dedicated to grocery shopping, laundry, and flag football. I did get in a run for the first time since I hurt my foot back in February. It felt so good to be back on the road!!

E played really well, and as always, we had a ton of fun hanging out with our friends!
So what's the big news??...................... We're moving to Florida at the end of the summer!! I can hardly believe it myself, but it's happening whether we are ready or not.

E decided a couple of months ago that he was not happy with his job in public accounting. He has always been a huge sports buff, and after really thinking about it, he decided that he would probably never be happy with a job that did not involve sports in some way. He is a natural born teacher, and loves learning about all things sports related, and more specifically the business side of sports. After one very long walk with Champ and a lot of talking, he decided he wanted to go back to school to get his Ph.D in Sport Management with the hopes of becoming a professor. He applied in March, and we found out in May that he had been accepted to Florida State University's Sport Management Ph.D program!!


I couldn't be more proud of him for following his dream and going back to school to pursue a career I know he will love! :) Needless to say, the fact that we will be moving half way across the country in less than a month and a half has definitely turned our world upside down, but we are excited for the new adventure, and I know God is sending us to Tallahassee for a reason. We leave tomorrow to try to find a house and explore the town. We are both so excited, and I am beyond happy for E!

Tallahassee here we come!!


I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and a great week!

How was your weekend?

Is anybody out there from Tallahassee? Any advice? Things we have to do while we're there this week?

In health,

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