
Monday, October 10, 2011

Yay For Rain and 10 Milers!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!

The most exciting thing happened this weekend........we got rain!!!! I can't tell you how desperately we needed the rain down here in Texas. My yard looked more like a bed of hay than grass. :( The rain started Saturday night and lingered all day Sunday.

I woke up Sunday morning to head out for my first long run in 2 weeks and was greeted by this.

I checked the radar, and it looked like the bulk of the storm was going to miss us so I decided to tough it out. I drove over to White Rock Lake and off I went. I felt a few drops of rain here and there, but overall I stayed fairly dry. I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about this run since I haven't ran over 5 miles in 2 weeks due to my angry ankle. The run was going great until about mile 6 when my IT band started to yell curse words at me (well that's what it felt like at least). I had to pull off the trail for a second and do a quick revolved triangle to stretch it out.

A fellow runner stopped to grab a drink at the water fountain right next to me, and definitely gave me a strange look. The quick stretch seemed to help a little bit so I carried on. For my first long run back, I would say it went pretty well! I finished all ten miles in a little over an hour and thirty-three minutes.

I even beet Garmina (which is my goal time) by one minute and thirty-eight seconds! Yes! The weather was still pretty gloomy when I finished my run, but at least I was dry minus the buckets of sweat. :)

After the run, I had to get ready to go to my friend Katie's bridal shower. It was so fun to celebrate her upcoming wedding and chat with friends! She has less than a month until the big day. I wrapped up the day with a little grocery shopping, lots of homework, and I even managed to bake a batch of homemade granola bars. If you still haven't tried this recipe, you're missing out! I make them every week instead of buying packaged bars.

I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!!

What did you do this weekend?

Is it raining in your neck of the woods?

In health,

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