
Monday, July 4, 2011

I'm Back In Action!

Happy 4th of July!!

I have to apologize for my incredibly long absence from the blogging world! The last two months have been extremely crazy around here. Between summer school, getting a new job, working my new and old job at the same time, buying a house, moving into said house, and attending a million weddings, blogging got left out in the cold. I have to admit, some days I would get home from work and would just pass right out on the couch from exhaustion!! The good news is work is rolling along nicely, we moved into our house and are settled in, and summer school is still.... well summer school. I have really missed blogging and all my blogging friends, so I am excited to be back!!!

What are you up to on America's Birthday? E and I went to Kaboom Town in Addison yesterday, and it was amazing. Kaboom Town's 30 minute firework extravaganza is ranked the 3rd best firework show in the Nation! I can definitely see why. Eric and I watched the fireworks from a nearby park, and they were jaw dropping!


Tonight, we are grilling burgers and heading over to a nearby country club to watch even more fireworks. I am going to attempt to make portobello mushroom burgers, so I will be sure to let you know how it goes! This morning, I went for a run around White Rock Lake, and boy was it hot! I left my house at 8:30am (way too late) and was drenched in sweat before I even reached the end of my driveway! It seriously felt like the longest 4.5 miles of my life! The lake was beautiful, and everyone was out and about getting ready for 4th of July celebrations so it was definitely an entertaining run, just a scorching one too. :)

I stumbled across this fun website the other day called Greatist "Your relateable fitness, health, and happiness guide." (That's the tag line from the website.) They have great tips and really interesting articles. One of my favorite things about their website is the cool infographics they post. Check this one out all about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) vs. regular Interval Training. It's AWESOME!

More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.

I"m off to make some breakfast and wake up the beast so we can start celebrating!! I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!!

Q's & A's:
Have you ever gone through a transition in your life that just zaps you of all of your energy?
What are you doing for the 4th of July?

In health,

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