
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giveaway Annoucement!!

Howdy Everyone!!

How are you this wonderful Thursday morning?? I hope you are having a great week. On to the fun news.......TheTradewinds Tea Giveaway! Drum Roll Please!

The Winners are:
Kristen from Austin, Alison S, Meredith G, and Jessica G! If you wonderful ladies would e-mail me your addresses I will get your tea to you ASAP. My e-mail is I hope you love it!

Here's what these ladies had to say!

Who needs a new workout to try this week? I came across an awesome video on that uses ballet, pilates and yoga inspired moves to tone your entire lower half! Check it out.

I hope you love it! I'm off to finish some homework and then hit the hay. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

In health,

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