
Monday, July 25, 2011

Books, Weddings and a Salad Challenge!


It's Monday, and back to work we all go. Why do weekends always fly by at the speed of light? I swear, sometimes I just want to hold on to Saturday and never let go. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be possible.

This weekend was a lot of fun. When I got off work on Friday, I headed over the Half Price Books to try and hunt down Brandon Brazier's book Thrive that I talked about in Friday's post. This was my first time to visit this particular Half Price Books, and woah is it HUGE!! Bigger than any Barnes and Noble I have ever been in and just a tab bit over whelming.

I decided to start my search in the section labled Health. It seemed like pretty good idea at the time....

Unfortunately, I did not find the book anywhere in this cute little corner. Next, I tried searching in the sports section, then the diet section, and then the vegetarian cook book section. Each section was as big, if not bigger, than the section pictured above. According to their computers, the book was somewhere in the building, they just weren't quite sure where. After about an hour of searching and perusing other books, I settled on ordering Thrive from Amazon; however, I did not leave empty handed. As I was walking out the door, the 7th Harry Potter book caught my eye. I always enjoy reading Harry Potter because it is a wonderful distraction from any stress that is going on in your life. The book is so detailed that you simply cannot think about anything else while you are reading it! :)

Friday night we went out to dinner with some friends from Houston that we don't get to see that often so it was wonderful catching up with them! On Saturday morning I woke up, ate breakfast, packed, and then read Harry Potter (it's ok if you think I'm a dork, I know I am) until it was time to leave for the wedding I was attending later that evening. One of my friends from college was getting married in a little town about 3 hours away from Dallas. I was so excited to see all of my old girlfriends that I could hardly wait! Poor E had to stay behind and work. :(

The weddng and the bride were absolutely beautiful! I was a total space cadet and didn't think to take any pictures. These pictures are compliments of my wonderful and camera savvy friend Kelley!

Shelly, the beautiful bride, and Kelley the beautiful photographer!

How many Aggies does it take to cut a cake? Apparently, two per cake.
The wedding was an absolute blast, and it was so good to catch up with the girls. It's so crazy to think that we all used to work together everyday, and now we are spread out in eight different cities! I headed back home pretty early on Sunday so I could finish grocery shopping and laundry in time to hang out with the hubby before we both headed back to work on Monday.

Lesson 2 of the Thrive challenge arrived in my inbox this weekend, and it talked all about eating nutrient dense foods such as raw frutis and vegetables. One of the action steps Brandon suggests is to have a large veggie packed salad every day for lunch. I love salads and eat them quite often, but eating one every day for lunch is taking it to a whole new level. My problem is that I love salads from salad bars like Jason's Deli, Snappy Salad, or Whole Foods because you can have so much variety. Whenever I make salads at home, they always end up just being lettuce, carrots and cheese, but that is coming to an end this week. I went to the grocery store today and stocked up on all kids of veggies to prepare for this week's SALAD CHALLENGE!  I will attempt to have a salad every single day for lunch and experiment with different toppings along the way. The Salad Challenge began today with this little beauty!

Sunday Salad:
- Romaine lettuce
- Spinach
- Carrotts
- Mushrooms
- Chickpeas
- Low- fat Feta Cheese

It was delicious! Perfect for a hot summer day. Now, I have to figure out what is going in tomorrow's salad! I'm off to hang out with the hubsters. Have a fabulous Monday!

Q's and A's:
What are your favorite salad ingredients?
How was your weekend?

In health,

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