
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We all need a little Om at work!

Howdy Everyone!

How was your Monday? Mine was busy busy! The productive kind of busy that makes you run around all day, and then all the sudden it is 10:00pm and you don't know where the day went! I can't believe it's already March 1st!

Today's workout included a 4 mile run this morning, attending a yoga class at noon, and then teaching my strength training class at 4:00pm. Talk about my ideal workout day! :)

Working at a gym definitely has it's perks. Being able to zip into a yoga class and be back at your desk in an hour and ten minutes is priceless. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't have that luxury, so when I came across this video I knew I had to share! Watch this two minute video and learn how to turn your desk into your own little zen zone! If you are reading this post on your smart phone and can't see the video below, click here.

When I got home from class yesterday at 9:15pm, I was starving! I was craving something a little sweet, but I didn't want to undo all of the calories I burned during my workouts. What's a girl to do? Eat kettlecorn of course! I am in love with Smart Pop 100 calorie pack kettle korn. It curbs your sweet tooth, and the entire bag is only 100 calories. Talk about satisfying!

I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

Q's and A's:
Have you ever done yoga at your desk?
What is your favorite healthy late night snanck?

In health,

Enhanced by Zemanta

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