
Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun Times and Fun Goodies

Howdy Howdy!

How was everyone's weekend? I hope it was restful and fun!


I went home to College Station this weekend to attend TexFit! TexFit is a statewide fitness covention where a bunch of fitness instructors from all around the state get together to share ideas, choreography, teaching techniques and more. It was so fun to see all of the girls I used to teach with at A&M and meet a ton of new instructors. We worked out all day Saturday and spent Friday and Saturday night socializing. It was an AMAZING weekend, and I learned so much.

While in College Station, one of my good friends Alison surprised me with a little gift of the knowledge building variety.

I have been wanting to read this book for a while now. It looks like it has a lot of very sound information, and I am super excited to try out some of the recipes in the back of the book. I will be sharing all of the yummy eats with you of course! I will also give y'all a full recap as soon as I am finished reading. Has anyone read it? What did you think?

When I got home today, I was greeted with a package from my friend Maryann- Peanut Flour! I have been dying to get my hands on some of this stuff forever. Maryann to the rescue!

You all know I have a slight obsession with nut butters, so a flour that has a peanuty (is that a word?) taste sounds right up my alley. Check out these nutrtion facts!

I was really impressed by how much protein, folate, and magnesium it contained. This is for a 1/4 cup serving. I am beyond excited to try baking with this stuff! I have found a peanut butter cookie recipe I want to try out, but other than that I am open for ideas!

I am off to make some cake batter cookies for my office, and maybe Eric's if he's nice. They were requested a while ago, but I am just now getting around to making them. :) I feel a little guilty bringing unhealthy goodies to the office, but I'm a people pleaser so I want to give them what they want. I usually bring them a healthy alternative to at least try! Last time, I brought cake batter cookies and 2 loaves low-fat pumpkin bread, and all of the cookies were gone before 1/2 of one loaf of bread. Oh well, I try!

I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!

Q's and A's:
What did you do this weekend?
Have you read and of The Eat Clean Diet series?
If you have posted any recipes using peanut flour, I would love it if you would leave me the link below!

In health,

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