
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Try This Thursday - The App Edition

Happy Thursday!

How you doin? (Please imagine I sound like Joey from Friends.) :)

Yesterday was a busy, but productive day. It started out a little rough when I woke up with a headache, but luckily my head felt better by noon when I had to give a healthy living talk. My workout included teaching a strength training class, dripping every ounce of sweat I had in me out on the stair master for 30 minutes, and then 10 minutes on the elliptical to finish up. Overall, it was sweaty and satisfying!

While on the stair master, I was reading this month's edition of Shape Magazine and came across the ALL TIME COOLEST APP EVER! I'm totally serious; it is beyond cool. It's called Fooducate, and it grades food based on its nutritional value simply by scanning the bar code.

You simply scan the barcode on any grocery item, and it will grade your food and tell you exactly why it received that grade. Check it out! I scanned my Quinoa, and this is what it said.

Is that not the coolest thing you have ever seen? But gets better! Out of quinoa and need a good alternative? Simply click the alternatives tab at the top of the screen.

And there's still more! I am starting to feel like an infomercial, but this is so stinking exciting. You can even compare two different products, and it will tell you which one is the better choice. I compared Eric's favorite Spanish rice to Quinoa, and guess who won?

Grocery shopping will never be the same again. Imagine trying to decide between two granola bars with similar calorie, fat, fiber, and protein content. You scan them both into your phone, and it tells you one of them is packed with artificial ingredients and the other isn't. Decision made!

Did I mention this app is free? I couldn't believe it either. Now go download it from the app store, and start scanning! Unfortunately, this app is currently only available for the iPhone. However, I did a little research and found out one should be available for the Android in a few weeks! :)

Q's and A's:
Have you ever used the Fooducate app?
What is your favorite health and/or fitness app?

In health,

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