
Friday, March 4, 2011

Grocery Store Fun

Happy Friday!

How is your Friday treating you so far? I apologize for such a late post. I pooped out early last night and then had a fun but jam packed schedule today which included teaching, lunch with my wonderful friend Jenny, buying wedding and wedding shower gifts, and going grocery shopping! I just love fun and productive Fridays. E and I are heading back to College Station this weekend for a wedding on Saturday and a wedding shower (different couple) on Sunday. What a love filled weekend!

Speaking of grocery shopping, I had a little bit too much fun with my new Fooducate app at the store today. A trip that would normally have taken me 45 minutes turned into an hour and fifteen. I had a blast scanning in all of my favorites and seeing what Fooducate had to say about them. Check out how some of my usual buys scored.

This one made me really sad. I love these bars!

I definitely learned a lot as I scanned in everything before I put it in my basket. Now, I didn't base all of my decisions on the app, but it definitely opened my eyes to a few questionable items and made me take a closer look at the ingredients list. I really like that it gives you a pretty detailed description of why it received the grade it did.  For example, the main thing it did not like about the Kashi TLC bars was that they didn't have a lot of real fruit in it. I guess the app thinks that a bar labeled "fruit and nut bar" should contain more fruit. I must agree.

Besides playing with my app, I have also been busy experimenting with new ways to use peanut flour. This morning, I mixed it with water and a little bit of salt to create a paste and then plopped it on top of my oatmeal. It was amazing because I got all of the peanuty flavor with about 1/3 or a 1/4 of the calories and a fraction of the fat! After I mixed the peanut flour with water, it was the equivalent of a giant blob (about 3 tbsp.) of peanut butter for only 114 calories and 16 grams of protein!

I need to get my hands on some more of this stuff before I run out! :)

I don't know how it is where you are, but the weather in Dallas has been amazing the past few days. I literally woke up the other day to the sound of birds chirping outside of my bedroom window. I know I sound like a silly movie, but it's true! You know spring is in the air when strawberries go on sale and the pretty trees are blooming!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week! I have some exciting posts planned, including two reader requests: pre and post workout fueling, and the mystery that is known as MSG.

Q's and A's:
Have you tried out the Fooducate app yet?
What is you favorite oatmeal topping?
What are your plans for this weekend?
In health,

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