
Sunday, February 6, 2011

What A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!


Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone! Super Bowl fever is definitely taking over Dallas, and thankfully the snow is starting to melt away giving way to a beautiful Super Bowl Sunday! I hope all of the Packers and Steelers fans are enjoying Dallas so far!

Although it is nice outside today, that was so not the case on Friday. After I talked to y'all on Friday, I ventured down the street to the gym. It took quite a pep talk and a few layers of clothes (3 to be exact) to convince myself I could handle the walk down the road. :) Please forgive the terrible picture quality, as you can see, I took it on my cell phone. I am wearing a running shirt, 2 jackets, running tights, sweat pants, and a beanie I stole from Eric. I was ready!

Even though I complain about the snow, it sure is beautiful!

After snapping quite a few pictures of my walk, I finally made it to the gym. I got in a nice 6 mile run plus 1 mile walk. It felt great to stretch out my legs after being cooped up in the house for so long. Eric had to go to work in the snow, so he snapped a few pictures of downtown for me! Isn't he sweet?

This is the view from his office (well from the
conference room across the hall)!

Isn't that church just gorgeous?

I am so glad the snow is finally melting so I can get back to running outside. This morning, I had to do my 9 mile long run for the week on the treadmill. Although the snow is mostly melted, any sidewalk that is in the shade is still very icy so I didn't quite feel safe running outside yet. I am hoping to get back outside in the morning! :)

I hope everyone has a marvelous Super Bowl Sunday!! I will see you tomorrow!

Q's and A's:
Are you pumped for the Super Bowl?
Do you prefer running outside or on the treadmill?

In health,

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