
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Salad Love + Fun Facts!

Good morning everyone!

Thank you for all the sweet comments about yesterday's recipe video blog! If you missed it, you can check it out here.
This post is going to be pretty brief because I was a bad girl and hit the snooze button this morning. It was just one of those days!

Yesterday's workout consisted of a five mile run in the morning and then teaching a yoga class at 11:30am. We are working on big toe hold  in that class, and my students are progressing amazingly. They get better and better witch each class, and it makes my heart so happy! :)

All this week, I have been enjoying trash salads for lunch. ("Trash" because I just throw everything I have in my fridge in the salad)

This beauty contains spinach, romaine, soy beans, mushrooms, avocado, and fat free feta. The little cutie on the side was the perfect dessert!

While I was sweating my but off on the stair master the other day, I glanced through this months Women's Health and learned some interesting facts I had to share with you!


  • 80% of people reported watching TV over the previous 24 hours, while only 5% reported doing vigorous activity. Is this sad or what?
  • 14% of the foods we buy end up in the trash. To prevent this, try to plan out your meals in advance and only buy the amount of produce you can eat before it goes bad.
  • Kiwi can help you absorb more iron from food. Women who chased an iron-fortified cereal with two kiwis raised their iron levels more than those who paired the cereal with a banana. This is great, since 12% of American women are iron deficient.
  • People who looked at the calorie information on the nutrition labels of packaged foods ate 164 calories less per day than those who ignored the nutrition facts.
I thought those were just too good not to share! I'm off to sub a yoga class before I head into work! I hope you all have a fabulous day, and I will see you back here tomorrow for Try This Thursday!

Q's and A's:
What are your favorite salad toppings?
Have you read any interesting statistics lately you would like to share?
What did you do for exercise yesterday or what are you planning to do today?

In health,

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