Liebster Award

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Howdy Friends!

I hope your week is off to a great start! The wonderful Amanda at Livin", Lovin', and Lots of Laughter nominated me for the Liebster award. What an honor! I just discovered Amanda's blog a few months ago, and I absolutely love it. You can feel her positivity radiating off of your computer screen when you read her posts. They always put me in a great mood and ready to take on my day with a smile on my face. Thank you so much Amanda for nominating me for the Liebster award!

11 Facts About Me:

  1. I am the oldest of 6 kids and completely live up to the Type A, over controlling, Mama bear oldest child stereo type! Just ask my younger siblings. :)
  2. I am 110% obsessed with the mountains. Give me mountain trails over the beach any day. If I could live somewhere with a mountain out my back door and no neighbors anywhere around, I would be one happy camper (not that I'm anti-social, but nothing makes me happier than a great nature view and plenty of trails to explore).
  3. Following up on #2, my favorite thing to do is go on a hike or walk with friends. 
  4. I love visiting new places and will take experiences of material things every time. 
  5. Jason's Deli is my favorite restaurant. Yep, you read that right, nothing fancy for this girl. A salad bar and some free chocolate and vanilla swirled frozen yogurt make me a happy as a lark. 
  6. I am probably the biggest light weight in the world. Two glasses of wine, and someone better drive me home and tuck me in bed. 
  7. Since graduating college 4.5 years ago, I've lived in 5 different houses, 4 cities, and 2 states. 
  8. Unless I'm at the lake, pool, or beach, I HATE extremely hot weather (not so good for a girl who lives in Texas). 
  9. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and I would probably eat it for every meal of the day if I could. Well I guess I could, but it probably wouldn't be the most nutritious choice. 
  10. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for five years this May, and he is the absolute love of my life. Thanks for putting up with me for 11 years E! :) 
  11. If I could choose one word to describe me, it would be "mom," because nothing in this entire world brings me more joy than being Annabelle's mom. Everyone tell you that you never truly understand how much you can love someone until you have a child, and that is definitely the truth. 
DeAun in the white jacket with just a few of her girls at Dallas Mania. 

Questions From Amanda: 
  1. Why do you blog? I started blogging when E and I were about to move for the first time so I could stay in touch with friends and students at A&M. I wanted a way to continue to share fitness tips and recipes with those who used to take my group fitness classes at the Rec. I have continued to blog over the years because of the amazing community of bloggers and readers out there!
  2. What post did you just love writing? I have to say my favorite posts to write are probably Annabelle's monthly updates. It's so fun to look back at the previous month and see how much she has grown. I just posted her 7 month update, and I seriously can't believe she is getting so big. 
  3. Who is your hero and why? My very first boss in the fitness industry, DeAun Woosley is my hero. She is one of the most passionate, positive, and caring people I know. Every year she touches thousands of students at Texas A&M through her work at the Rec Center. She helps clueless college students, like myself, learn how to teach aerobics, teaches classes every day that hundreds of students attend, and inspires those around her to spread the word of health and fitness. She truly changed my life and the life of so many of my friends for the better! I would not be the person I am today without her!  
  4. What is your favorite thing about blogging? I love blogging because it keeps me a perpetual student. I am always learning new things (recipes, workouts, and mommy tips) from other bloggers and doing research to produce great posts myself. 
  5. Aside from family members, who is one person who had a big impact on your life? This is an easy one. DeAun (see question 3) has definitely had the biggest impact on my life. She led me to a career that I am extremely passionate about and is still one of my best friends to this very day. 
  6. What is your dream vacation? A secluded house in the mountains with amazing hiking trails. We would go in September or October before it got too cold, but all the leaves were starting to change for fall. The house would have a gigantic back porch with rocking chairs and a hot tub, so I could spend every waking moment that I wasn't hiking sitting on the porch taking in the views.
  7. What is one of your biggest goals in life? I think my biggest and most important goal in life is to be an amazing mom and wife. Annabelle and Eric are the two most important people in my world, and I want to work every day to give them the life of their dreams, support them in everything they do, and make sure they know they are loved beyond imagination. 
  8. What is your favorite store(s) to shop at? Lululemon
  9. What is one of your favorite childhood memories? This is a tough one. I would probably say spending the weekend at our lake house. We'd go swimming, tubing, water skiing, watch movies at night, and my dad would always make delicious breakfast tacos every morning. 
  10. What does your typical weekend look like? Our typical weekend usually involves some kind of sporting event on Saturday either in Austin for UT or back home in College Station for A&M. Sunday, is usually our recovery day full of grocery shopping, meal prep, laundry, family walks, and maybe even a nap!
  11. What is your favorite holiday and why? Probably Christmas because it's the biggest chunk of time we get to spend with our families. I love all of the prep work that goes into Christmas.... finding presents for everyone, wrapping gifts, decorating, and COOKING. I also love getting to catch up with all of my siblings and watching E and my Dad play the boys in basketball. It's also nice because E's brother and his wife, Meredith, always comes into town and we don't get to see them all that much since they live in Georgia. Plus, it's the most wonderful time of the year! :) 

I nominate:
Lindsay at Broke N Bougie
Emma at Be Mom Strong

11 Questions for my nominees:
  1. Why do you blog?
  2. If you could meet a celebrity, who would it be?
  3. Beach or mountains?
  4. Big city or small town?
  5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  6. What would be your dream job?
  7. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
  8. All time favorite food?
  9. What is your motto for life?
  10. What's your go to type of workout?
  11. What is your favorite memory of all time?
Whew, my brain is tired after answering all those questions. What fun though! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday?

What about you, beach or mountains?

What would be your all time dream job?

In health,

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One Response to “Liebster Award”

  1. Thank you Lauren for the super sweet compliment! :-) I loved reading your answers and facts about you. I am a light-weight myself. Jake always says I'm a cheap date. HA! Walking and hiking is one of my favorite things to do, as well. I am all about getting out and seeing new places. I love reading your monthly updates about Belle. She is the cutest! I know she will really appreciate those posts once she gets older. What a great post, my friend! I hope you have a great day!!


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