I have been blogging for about four and a half years now, and one of the things I love most about the healthy living blog world is how much I have learned from other bloggers! Almost every day, I stumble upon an interesting article, delicious recipe, or fun workout I want to try. Today, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite posts/articles from the week!
First up, is an article by Deanna, at Fit To Be Pregnant, I think all breastfeeding moms should read this article about how breastfeeding affects fat loss. I will totally admit, that after having Belle losing the baby weight was definitely something I thought about OFTEN and even caused me quite a bit of stress (just being honest here). Taking care of Belle is my #1 priority, but I do feel like there is so much pressure to "bounce" back right away after a baby. Heck, didn't some Victoria Secret model walk the run way the day after she gave birth or something? For the most part, the weight came off fairly easily with healthy eating, exercise, and the fact that I was not longer caring around an 8lb baby and extra water weight. However, those pesky last few pounds are giving me a run for my money. This article explains how breastfeeding does indeed burn extra calories which may help you loose weight. However, the hormones that go along with breastfeeding can make your body hold on to extra fat as well to protect your milk supply. Deanna does a great job of breaking it down in a very easy to understand way!
If you don't read the blog Purely Twins, you totally should! These girls are fabulous and come up with amazing recipes and workouts. Last week, they posted a Peppermint Fudge Brownie recipe that looks too delicious to be true. They are gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, and grain-free. Pretty much the perfect thing to take to a party because you have all the major food allergies covered!
Another delicious looking recipe I came across yesterday was by Mrs. Lindsay, at Cotter Crunch, These Grain Free Orange Maple Sugar Cookies sound delicious. The name just makes you hungry doesn't it? I have tried a few of Lindsay's recipes, and they have always turned out amazing. I can't wait to give this one a try!
I don't know about you, but I am definitely guilty of being attached to my smart phone. Having your work email on your phone is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. Being a work from home mama, it is extremely convenient to be able to answer emails, look up things on our MindBody app, or post to social media from my phone. Additionally, as a blogger and overall fan of social media, it is all too easy to reach for my phone during a commercial break, post to instagram while strolling with Belle, or send out a tweet while riding in the car with E. For the most part, I love my cell phone, but I know that it definitely acts as a distraction and keeps me from living in the present moment a lot of the time. This article by the Huffington Post discusses how excessive cell phone use is actually sucking the fun right out of our leisure time. It's definitely a great read if you are a cell phone junkie! I think one of my New Years resolutions is going to be to have more "unplugged" time each day.
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Research shows the more you use your phone, the less fun you'll have. |
Next, up is a blog series compliments of my fabulous friend Alison, over at Fearlessly Fierce. She is doing a special Christmas themed Elf On A BOSU series where she demonstrates a fun new exercise on the BOSU every day. I am a huge fan of the BOSU, so I am loving checking out her fun new ideas! If you post a picture of yourself to social media doing the moves, you will be entered to win a BOSU Fitness Ball!
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Elf On A BOSU! |
Some other great posts I've read this week include:
Holiday Sopping On A Budget via Annette, at Enjoy Your Healthy Life
14 Most Inspiring Weight Loss Stories Of 2014 via The Huffington Post
I'm sure there are a ton of great articles that I missed, but those were some that stood out to me this week. Baby girl is waking up from her nap so I have to run!
Have you read any great posts/articles that we should all check out?
In health,

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