
Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites - March Matness, Plantain Bread, & Baby Kisses


Happy Friday friends! I hope you've had a wonderful week. First of all, I want to to thank everyone for their sweet comments of support and encouragement regarding my announcement about my new Barre & Pilates continuing education workshops. I really appreciate it more than you know!

It's been another great week here at the George household. I love reflecting on all of the happy (and this week, not so happy but still cute) moments from the week with Friday Favorites!

Life In Leggings


I am having a blast participating in MarchMatness with Belle. It's fun to practice moves I may not do every day and I love seeing everyone's pictures from around the world doing Jo's classic exercises! If you want to join in on the MarchMatness fun, check out this post for the details!

 Plantain Bread

I came across a recipe for plantain bread on facebook yesterday via and I had to give it a try! It's grain free, gluten free, dairy free, paleo, and oh so easy. Simply blend half a plantain with 2 eggs and 1/2 tsp. coconut oil then bake in a pie pan at 350 for 15 minutes. It tastes like a cross between banana bread and a crepe. I ate it plain, but it would be delicious as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or served in place of toast with breakfast. I will definitely be making it again very very soon! If you've never checked out PurelyTwins blog, it's a must! They have amazing recipes!

Belle's Dramatic Expressions

Of course, I never want Belle to be upset but I must admit her angry faces can be pretty funny. She was having an extra fussy day yesterday, and any little thing seemed to make her mad. Sometimes, to keep from losing your mind, you just have to laugh. Here's to hoping she is in a better mood today!

Baby Kisses

On a positive note, Belle isn't stingy with the slobbery baby kisses! She comes at you full force with an open mouth and drool dripping off her chin when you're least expecting it. She can rub drool all over me anytime she wants as long as she keeps the kisses coming!


Although we technically had a "snow day" yesterday (some schools were shut down and a lot of places had a delayed start), we actually got to see the sun for the first time in over a week yesterday afternoon. It was still freezing, but I was starting to think the sun had disappeared completely!

I'm off to do a little early morning cleaning before Belle wakes up! I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and a great weekend!

What was your favorite moment from the week?

In health,

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Belle's dramatic expressions are too cute! I love the pics of you participating in MarchMatness. You're a great example of a healthy mom who finds a way to fit fitness into every busy day :)


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