
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Workout Wednesday - My Five Favorite At Home Workouts

Happy Happy Workout Wednesday!

I hope you all are having a fabulous and sweaty week so far! For today's Workout Wednesday, I wanted to share five of my favorite at home workouts with you (these can all definitely be done at the gym as well). They are all total body workouts that should take 35 minutes or less and give you a killer workout!

First up, is a traditional circuit workout using resistance tubing and your own body weight. Each circuit contains an upper body exercise, lower body exercise, and cardio burst to get your heart rate up. Repeat each circuit 3x's before moving on to the next.

Next up, is a dumbbells only circuit. This workout is great to do at home or while traveling because all you need is a set of dumbbells. You'll perform 12 reps of each exercise and repeat the circuit as many times as you can in 25 minutes.

This one is a doozy!! Fifty reps of each exercise will have your huffing and puffing in no time. I loved this one because 1) it was hard, 2) I was sore the next day, and 3) it was fun to bust out of the 12 reps of everything rut!

Ladder Down was another great rep rut busting workout. You start with 25 reps of each exercise and then ladder down to 5 reps of each workout. All you need is your own body weight for this one, so no excuses!

Last but not least, is my beautiful friend the kettlebell! If I had to be stuck on a deserted island with just one piece of equipment, I think I would take the kettlebell. This total body circuit workout will hit every major muscle group in your body and most of the minor ones in no time. Be prepared to feel it the next day!

 Let me know if you give one of these bad boys a try! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Workout Wednesday and Belle sends each one of you a great big hug as well!

Linking up for Workout Wednesday and Wild Workout Wednesday!

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Are you a gym kind of person or an at home exerciser?

If you go to the gym, weight room or group fitness class?

In health,


  1. The fiery 50 looks like torture!! I'll have to check out the dumbbell workout. I've really enjoyed using more weights lately! #wowlinkup

    1. Thanks for stopping by Janelle. The Fiery 50 was definitely a butt kicker in a great way! :)

  2. Those are so great workouts. The fiery 50 looks right up my ally! Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Julie! The Fiery 50 was probably my favorite! I need to do it again ASAP!

  3. Looks like great workouts! Fiery 50 sounds tough! I'm a home exerciser. #wowlinkup

    1. I love home workouts because they save so much time! No wasting 30 minutes going to and from the gym!

  4. I like working out at home but I do go to the gym when I want to workout on a specific machine. #wowlinkup

    1. Having both options is amazing! Then you can constantly switch up your workouts! :)

  5. At home workouts are my favorite right now. With the cold and snowy weather outside right now it's tough to motivate myself to get out.

    1. We don't have any snow down here, but I can relate to you about making myself go somewhere in the early mornings. When I'm teaching it's one thing, but when I'm doing my own workouts, it's so nice to just have to get myself to the garage and not drive to a gym! :)

  6. These are great! I love doing some quick at home workouts like this.

    1. Thanks! Me too! Quick and efficient.... that's the key!

  7. Just pinned all of these workouts, can't wait to try them!!!

  8. Kettlebells are my favorite piece of equipment as well. They are so versatile! The ladder down workout looks intriguing. I haven't done that style of workout in a while, so I'll have to add it into the mix. :)

  9. They so are, and I love them because I always feel it the next day! I like ladder workouts because it's a fun way to switch up the feel of your workout!

  10. What is a Surrender??? That one stood out for some reason lol...great workouts! #wowlinkup

  11. These look like some good and rigorous workouts. I want to try all of them especially since I am doing more workouts at home now due to a change in morning schedules. #wowlinkup

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