
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Workout Wednesday - Hill Repeat Treadmill Workout + Belle meets Santa

Howdy Friends,

Happy Workout Wednesday! I seriously feel like I just wrote last week's WOW post. The weeks seem to be flying by! In honor of the extremely hill half marathon I ran last weekend, I decided to do a hill repeat workout for today. I should probably have done a few more of these workouts BEFORE the race. But oh well! Live and learn right?

Femme Fitale Fit Club

This workout is designed to be done on a treadmill; however, you could do it outside if you had a large enough hill. You would simply time yourself as you ran up, and turn around when you hit the corresponding time.

The whole workout should take about 30 minutes and trust me, 30 minutes is PLENTY! Let me know if you give it a try! If you need more workout ideas, be sure to check out my workouts page!

This past weekend, we took Belle to have her picture taken with Santa. She doesn't really have stranger anxiety yet, but I was a little worried about how she might react to the beard. It didn't seem to phase her one bit. She sat on Santa's lap like a champ and even smiled for pictures. There were a bunch of kids playing off to the side on snow they brought in (no snow here in Austin), so she was a bit distracted.

After meeting Santa, we snapped a few more pictures in front of the giant Christmas tree. Then, of course, we had to do a little shopping since we were already at The Galleria after all. Daddy introduced Annabelle to his favorite store, Dick's Sporting Goods. She seemed pretty impressed.

This is definitely going to be the best Christmas yet!! How did I get so lucky to get the sweetest tiny human around (I'm not biased or anything)?

Do you ever do hill repeat workouts?

What is your favorite way to incorporate the treadmill into your training?

In health,


  1. She is adorable!! I love her reindeer outfit and the big flower headband! Perfection!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I have to make all of her bows because her head is way too big for the baby bows! Hahaha Lots of brains!

  2. Ooh love the workout! And your little girl is adorable! #wowlinkup

  3. I like this workout!! I love doing the hills on the treadmill, they are so helpful!

    1. Me too! I get bored on the treadmill easily, so the change in tempo helps to keep things interesting!

  4. such a cutie with santa :) i have to say I HATE hill repeats though I know they are necessary. I will have try this one out #wowlinkup

  5. Only if there is ice outdoors will I do more treadmill workouts. I have done hill repeats and they are not my favorite. They are hard. LOL. I guess that is the point. Very cute baby. Happy Holidays. #wowlinkup

    1. They are hard for sure! I much prefer to be outside as well, but sometimes nap time treadmill workouts just have to do. :)

  6. OMG she is super super cute!!!! I bet Santa will bring her everything she asked for :)

    1. Thank you!! She has definitely been a good girl!


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