
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving recap - food, family, football, and running!

We headed down to College Station Wednesday afternoon and got stuck in HORRIBLE traffic. It took us almost 4 hours to get there when it usually takes us less than 2. Needless to say, by the time we arrived, we were worn out. I headed over to my parents house to help cook and Annabelle stayed with Dad so she could catch up with Uncle Greg and Aunt Meredith who live in Georgia.

On Thursday morning, I woke up early, fed the tiny human and then went for a quick 4 mile run. It was cool but not too cold and the run felt great! After my run, it was time for Annabelle to get dressed for Thanksgiving. Se decided she would represent the Indians at the Thanksgiving table!

Practicing her Indian yells!
We headed over to my parents house around 9:00 AM to finish preparing the food, play some basketball, and eat way to much for Thanksgiving. lunch. Belle helped oversee all of the cooking from her bumbo just like at home. 

Everything was absolutely delicious and it was great to get to spend so much time with family. The weather was gorgeous so we had to pause to take a few pictures of Belle outside. She was mesmerized by my bother's dog the whole time so we couldn't get her to look at the camera. 

After lunch, we headed back over to E's parents house to get ready for the A&M vs. LSU game. Not much to tell here. It was a rough game with some very questionable calls. Sadly, the Aggies lost. We did have fun tailgating with friends and family before the game. We even got a quick sister shot that was quickly photo bombed by Uncle Bryan.

Friday morning was D-day. Time for my 11 mile training run. Again, it was cold, but not too cold. Really, perfect running weather if you ask me. The first 8 miles felt great. Miles 9 and 10 were a little rough, and by mile 11, my hips were screaming for mercy. I'm not sure what exactly is causing the problem. I stretch, make sure I build in an extra long warm up, and foam roll, but nothing seems to help. I think they are still a little out of whack from my pregnancy. Anyways, I finished the 11 miles in a decent time and quickly showered and got ready to take Christmas pictures.

Eric's brother is a great photographer so he graciously took a bunch of photos for us (preview of those to come later). After pictures, it was time to celebrate Thanksgiving again George style. More delicious food and great times with the family.  After lunch, we headed up to Cleburne to visit with Eric's grandmother and extended family.

Belle visited with everyone and tried out her cute baby rocking chair. We headed back home Saturday afternoon so we would have Sunday to decorate the Christmas tree and get life back in order for the week to come. We took a quick break from decorating and laundry to take little bit for a walk. It was her first time sitting like a big girl in the BOB stroller and she really liked it. I think she enjoyed being able to see everything.

It was a busy and fun filled Thanksgiving! I feel like I have so much to be thankful for this year. I have a wonderful husband, great friends and family, a fun job, and the most amazing daughter on earth. I seriously don't know if my heart could handle much more happiness.

How was your Thanksgiving weekend?

Favorite Thanksgiving food? Sweet potato casserole over here! 

In health,


  1. Oh goodness - her little headband is too cute! Looks like a great Thanksgiving weekend!

    My favorite Thanksgiving food is definitely the mashed potatoes!


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